DCA ordination of the community of Monte Pellegrino road system. Legend: 1. Crepido-Parietarietum; 2. Athamanto-Parietarietum; 3. Helichryso-Hypochaeridetum; 4. Centranthetum; 5. Antirrhinetum; 6. Capparidetum; 7. Diantho Helichrysetum; 8. Scabioso-Centauretum; 9. Gr. Stipellula; 10. Olopto-Pennisetetum 11. Rhamno-Euphorbietum; 12. Teucrio-Rhoetum; 13. Gr. Rhamnus and Pistacia.

  Part of: Gianguzzi L, Bazan G (2020) The vegetation of a historic road system in the suburban area of Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicily). Plant Sociology 57(2): 71-103. https://doi.org/10.3897/pls2020572/02