Schematic transect of the xeric geosigmetum of the Monte Pellegrino road system (upper part of via Monte Ercta, near the tunnel on the slopes above the Favorita park of Palermo, 310 m a.s.l.): 1) grassland vegetation with Pennisetum setaceum (Penniseto setacei-Hyparrhenietum hirtae); 2) chamaephytic wall vegetation dominated by Antirrhinum siculum (Antirrhinetum siculi); 3) hemichryptophytic nitrophilous vegetation of the road margins with Pennisetum setaceum (Olopto miliacei-Pennisetetum setacei ass. nov.); 4) nitro-xerophilous vegetation with Euphorbia dendroides and Artemisia arborescens (Rhamno-Euphorbietum artemisietosum arborescentis subass. nov.); 5) chasmo-nitrophilous, sciaphilous vegetation with Parietaria judaica (Crepido bursifoliae-Parietarietum judaicae ass. nov.); 6) chasmophytic coenosis with Lomelosia cretica (Scabioso-Centauretum ucriae); 7) vegetation with Olea europaea var. sylvestris (Ruto chalepensis-Oleetum sylvestris); 8) artificial forest plantation with Eucalyptus camaldulensis; 9) artificial forest plantation with Pinus halepensis.

  Part of: Gianguzzi L, Bazan G (2020) The vegetation of a historic road system in the suburban area of Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicily). Plant Sociology 57(2): 71-103.