NMDS ordination scatterplot of the relevés of the floodplain woods of Tuscany. A = Alnus glutinosa comm.; F = Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa comm.; P = Populus sp./Salix alba comm.; U = Ulmus minor comm.; C = Carpinus betulus comm.; Q = Quercus robur comm. The vectors resulting from EIV analysis are superimposed (L: Light, T: Temperature, C: Continentality, U: Soil Moisture, R: Soil pH, N: Nutrients).

  Part of: Gennai M, Gabellini A, Viciani D, Venanzoni R, Dell’Olmo L, Giunti M, Lucchesi F, Monacci F, Mugnai M, Foggi B (2021) The floodplain woods of Tuscany: towards a phytosociological synthesis. Plant Sociology 58(1): 1-28. https://doi.org/10.3897/pls2021581/01