Alice Misuri, Michele Mugnai, Michele Giunti, Lorella Dell’Olmo, Lorenzo Lazzaro (2024)
Invasive alien plants at Capraia Island (Italy): distribution and threats to Natura 2000 habitats.
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Michele Innangi, Flavio Marzialetti, Mirko Di Febbraro, Alicia Teresa Rosario Acosta, Walter De Simone, Ludovico Frate, Michele Finizio, Priscila Villalobos Perna, Maria Laura Carranza (2023)
Coastal Dune Invaders: Integrative Mapping of Carpobrotus sp. pl. (Aizoaceae) Using UAVs.
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A. Della Bella, E. Fantinato, F. Scarton, G. Buffa (2021)
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Dmytro V. Dubyna, Svitlana M. Iemelianova, Tetiana P. Dziuba (2023)
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Pereña-Ortiz Jaime F., Diez-Garretas Blanca (2023)
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Luigi Cao Pinna, Laure Gallien, Laura J. Pollock, Irena Axmanová, Milan Chytrý, Marco Malavasi, Alicia T. R. Acosta, Juan Antonio Campos, Marta Carboni (2024)
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Edy Fantinato, Francesco Pio Tozzi, Angela Stanisci, Gabriella Buffa (2023)
Alien plant colonisation and community homogenisation: cause or consequence? A test in coastal dunes.
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Michele Innangi, Mirko Di Febbraro, Marco Balsi, Ginevra Colonna, Michele Finizio, Federica Pontieri, Maria Laura Carranza (2025)
A novel high-resolution eco-functional vegetation mapping of coastal dunes.
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