Cluster analysis of relevés of marsh and water edge pioneer annual vegetation (cover data, Chord distance, UPGMA): 1, Polygonetum hydropiperis, Persicaria hydropiper-dominated stands; 2, Leersietum oryzoidis, wetter stands with Persicaria hydropiper; 3, Typhetum latifoliae; 4, Leersietum oryzoidis, drier stands from lake margins; 5, Persicaria amphibia f. terrestre community; 6, Iridetum pseudacori; 7, Caricetum elatae; 8, Glycerio-Sparganietum neglecti; 9, Eleocharitetum palustris; 10, Phalaridetum arundinaceae; 11, Caricetum vesicariae; 12, Schoenoplectetum lacustris; 13, Polygonetum hydropiperis, Bidens frondosa-dominated stands from lake margins; 14, Cyperus fuscus community; 15, Phragmitetum australis; 16, Beruletum erectae.

  Part of: Castello M, Poldini L, Altobelli A (2021) The aquatic and wetland vegetation of Lake Doberdò: an analysis for conservation value assessment of a disappearing lake of the Classical Karst (North East Italy). Plant Sociology 58(1): 75-106.