Lorenzo Gianguzzi, Orazio Caldarella, Patrizia Campisi, Sonia Ravera, Riccardo Scalenghe, Giuseppe Venturella (2024)
Plant diversity in old-growth woods: the case of the forest edges of the Favorita Park in Palermo (north-western Sicily, Italy).
Plant Sociology61: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/pls2024611/01
Valeria Gianguzzi, Emilio Di Gristina, Giulio Barone, Francesco Sottile, Gianniantonio Domina (2024)
Seed germination and vegetative and in vitro propagation of Hieracium lucidum subsp. lucidum (Asteraceae), a critically endangered endemic taxon of the Sicilian flora.
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Salvatore Pasta, Alessandro Silvestre Gristina, Leonardo Scuderi, Laurence Fazan, Corrado Marcenò, Riccardo Guarino, Viviane Perraudin, Gregor Kozlowski, Giuseppe Garfì (2022)
Conservation of Ptilostemon greuteri (Asteraceae), an endemic climate relict from Sicily (Italy): State of knowledge after the discovery of a second population.
Global Ecology and Conservation40: e02328.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02328
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