Research Article |
Corresponding author: Giovanni Rivieccio ( ) Academic editor: Daniela Gigante
© 2023 Giovanni Rivieccio, Simonetta Bagella, Giuseppe Bazan, Salvatore Cambria, Silvia Cannucci, Giulia Capotorti, Maria Carmela Caria, Virginia Chiara Cuccaro, Leopoldo de Simone, Giuliano Fanelli, Emanuele Fanfarillo, Tiberio Fiaschi, Matilde Gennai, Lorenzo Gianguzzi, Duilio Iamonico, Dario La Montagna, Francesco Mascia, Giacomo Mei, Antonio Morabito, Carmelo Maria Musarella, Gianluca Orrù, Ines Orrù, Glauco Patera, Gaetano Pazienza, Enrico Vito Perrino, Riccardo Rocca, Silvia Serra, Giovanni Spampinato, Adriano Stinca, Gianmarco Tavilla, Francesco Todaro, Valeria Tomaselli, Claudia Angiolini.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rivieccio G, Bagella S, Bazan G, Cambria S, Cannucci S, Capotorti G, Caria MC, Cuccaro VC, de Simone L, Fanelli G, Fanfarillo E, Fiaschi T, Gennai M, Gianguzzi L, Iamonico D, La Montagna D, Mascia F, Mei G, Morabito A, Musarella CM, Orrù G, Orrù I, Patera G, Pazienza G, Perrino EV, Rocca R, Serra S, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Todaro F, Tomaselli V, Angiolini C (2023) New national and regional Annex I Habitat records: from #83 to #101. Plant Sociology 60(2): 115-127.
New Italian data on the distribution of 17 Annex I Habitats are reported in this contribution. Specifically, 11 new occurrences in Natura 2000 sites are presented and 30 new cells are added in the EEA 10 km × 10 km reference grid. The new data refer to the Italian administrative regions of Apulia, Campania, Calabria, Lazio, Sardinia, Sicily and Tuscany.
Vegetation, 1410, 2110, 2120, 3140, 3150, 3170*, 3240, 3260, 3280, 5230*, 6110*, 6420, 6430, 8210, 92A0, 9320, 9330
This is the ninth contribution reporting records of new occurrences of Annex I Habitats (92/43/EEC Directive) in Europe. Based on the results of the 4th Report ex-Art. 17 on Annex I Habitat Monitoring in Europe (
Following the standard format of Gigante et al. (2019b), all species data, site data and descriptions of the new habitat records are hereafter provided. We provide a summary in Tab.
Hab ID | Hab name | Cell ID | Country | BR | N2000 Site | Authors |
1410 | Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) | 10kmE418N179 | Italy | MED | - | Mascia F., Orrù I. |
2110 | Embryonic shifting dunes | 10kmE488N171 | Italy | MED | - | Morabito A., Musarella C.M., Spampinato G. |
Rivieccio G., Caria M.C., Bagella S. | ||||||
10kmE425N201, 10kmE425N200 | ITB010006, ITB010007 | |||||
2120 | Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) | 10kmE425N200 | Italy | MED | ITB010006 | Caria M.C., Serra S., Orrù G. |
3140 | Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. | 10kmE442N227 | Italy | MED | - | Mei G., Stinca A. |
3150 | Natural euthrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation | 10kmE492N196 | Italy | MED | IT9130006 | Tomaselli V., Todaro F., Pazienza G. |
Cannucci S., Fiaschi T., Angiolini C. | ||||||
10kmE443N226 | - | |||||
3170* | Mediterranean Temporary Ponds | 10kmE461N205 | Italy | MED | - | Cuccaro V.C., Fanelli G., La Montagna D. |
3240 | Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Salix eleagnos | 10kmE476N194, 10kmE479N190, 10kmE476N193, 10kmE478N190, 10kmE477N193 | Italy | MED | IT8050002, IT8050007, IT8050012, IT8050013, IT8050053 | Patera G., Gennai M. |
3260 | Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation | 10kmE445N225 | Italy | MED | - | Fanfarillo E., Fiaschi T., Angiolini C. |
3280 | 10kmE445N223, 10kmE443N220, 10kmE440N220, 10kmE442N219 | Italy | MED | - | de Simone L., Mascia F., Angiolini C. | |
Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba | ||||||
5230* | Arborescent matorral with Laurus nobilis | 10kmE472N166 | Italy | MED | ITA030039 | Cambria S., Tavilla G. |
6110* | Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the | 10kmE453N209 | Italy | MED | - | Iamonico D., Capotorti G. |
Alysso-Sedion albi | ||||||
6420 | Mediterranean tall humid herb grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion | 10kmE441N225 | Italy | MED | - | Fiaschi T., Fanfarillo E., Angiolini C. |
6430 | Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels | 10kmE441N225 | Italy | MED | - | Fiaschi T., Fanfarillo E., Angiolini C. |
8210 | Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation | 10kmE488N171 | Italy | MED | - | Morabito A., Musarella C.M., Spampinato G. |
92A0 | Salix alba and Populus alba galleries | 10kmE473N168 | Italy | MED | - | Gianguzzi L., Rocca R., Bazan G. |
9320 | Olea and Ceratonia forests | 10kmE479N159 | Italy | MED | - | Gianguzzi L, Bazan G. |
10kmE457N161 | ITA040009 | |||||
10kmE479N158 | - | |||||
10kmE461N160 | - | |||||
9330 | Quercus suber forests | 10kmE496N199 | Italy | MED | - | Perrino E.V. |
EUNIS Classification system
: MA25 - Mediterranean littoral biogenic habitat (formerly A2.5 - Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Juncion maritimi Br.-Bl. ex Horvatić 1934 (Suppl. material
Geographic information
: Italy, Sardinia, Sud Sardegna, Portoscuso, loc. Buca de Flumini/Guroneddu, 30–35 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 39.238957 N, 8.383464 E (centroid) (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE418N179 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: They are located along the final stretches of the Canali de Flumineddu, a small permanent fresh watercourse that flows into the sea from the cliff (Suppl. material
EUNIS Classification system
: N14 - Mediterranean, Macaronesian and Black Sea shifting coastal dune (formerly B1.3 - Shifting coastal dunes) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921, Ammophiletalia Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoffet al. 1946, Ammophiletea Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Sardinia, Sassari, Santa Teresa, spiaggia Lu Pultiddolu, 2 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 41.181853 N, 9.167515 E (Suppl. material
Cells ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE425N200 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code
: ZSC ITB010006 “Monte Russu” (Suppl. material
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The surveys for the ZSC "Monte Russu" were conducted in 2022 as part of the monitoring of dune habitats within the Natura 2000 network and surrounding areas, funded by the Sardinia Regional Government. Here, the habitat is well-represented across the entire dune system, characterized by its typical composition dominated by Thinopyrum junceum. The habitat had not been reported previously, likely because it was confused with the 2210 habitat "Crucianellion maritimae fixed beach dunes". At the beach of Capo Testa, the habitat is located at the bottom and just on top of a significantly high mound of Posidonia seagrass set aside at the back of the beach following the intense 'cleaning' activity carried out for the tourist season. The habitat almost immediately mixes after a few meters with the 2210 habitat. We also recorded the presence of the invasive alien species Carpobrotus acinaciformis.
EUNIS Classification system
: N14 - Mediterranean, Macaronesian and Black Sea shifting coastal dune (formerly B1.3 - Shifting coastal dunes) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Cypero mucronati-Elytrigietum junceae Br.-Bl. 1933, Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921, Ammophiletalia Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoffet al. 1946, Ammophiletea Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Roccella Ionica, 6 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 38.327411 N, 16.430000 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE488N171 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The habitat occurs on a stretch of sandy coast with natural conditions. The plant community found is related to Cypero mucronati-Elytrigietum junceae Br.-Bl. 1933, a widespread association on the sandy coasts of Italy.
EUNIS Classification system
: N144 - Western Tethyan white dunes, N14 Mediterranean, Macaronesian and Black Sea shifting coastal dune (formerly B1.32 - White dunes) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921, Ammophiletalia Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoffet al. 1946, Ammophiletea Br.-Bl. and Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Sardinia, Olbia, Santa Teresa, spiaggia La Liccia, 6 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 41.176851 N, 9172717 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE425N200 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : ZSC ITB010006 “Monte Russu”.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The surveys were conducted to monitor dune habitats within the Natura 2000 network and surrounding areas, funded by the Sardinia Regional Government in 2022. La Liccia beach exhibits a well-represented zonation of dunal habitats with 2120 habitat in optimal conservation status; in the still-intact dune crests, Calamagrostis arenaria subsp. arundinacea is associated with Thinopyrum junceum, and Pancratium maritimum is present.
EUNIS Classification system
: C1 - Surface standing waters (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Charion vulgaris (Krause ex Krause and Lang 1977) Krause 1981, Charetalia hispidae Sauer ex Krausch 1964, Charetea fragilis F. Fukarek ex Krausch (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Firenze, Montecorboli, Borro dell’Argenna, 296 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.531168 N, 11.255227 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE442N227 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The vegetation detected characterizes peri-fluvial environments with shallow waters of variable size and depth, at times temporarily stagnant, but always less than a meter deep. The underwater meadows surveyed appear to be characterized by the abundant presence of Chara vulgaris and algae of various types, not identifiable at the moment of the survey and are also characterized by the sporadic presence of Tolypella prolifera. The latter species is extremely rare in torrential environments, where when present together with C. vulgaris it takes value as an indicator of calcareous from mesotrophic to slightly eutrophic waters.
EUNIS Classification system
: C1 - Surface standing waters (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean.
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Potametum natantis Hild 1959, Potamogetonion Libbert 1931, Potamogetonetalia Koch 1926, Potamogetonetea Klika in Klika et Novak 1941 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Siena, Radda in Chianti, 451 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.50849 N, 11.39667 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE443N226 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The habitat has been found in permanent agricultural ponds situated in Radda in Chianti (Siena). In particular, the communities detected are referred to habitat 3150 as they present a vegetation dominated by Potamogeton natans typical of ponds and marsh.
EUNIS Classification system
: C1 - Surface standing waters (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Lemnetum gibbae Miyawaki and J. Tüxen 1960, Lemnion minoris O. de Bolòs and Masclans 1955, Lemnetalia minoris O. de Bolòs and Masclans 1955, Lemnetea minoris O. de Bolòs et Masclans 1955; Parvopotamo-Zannichellietum palustris Koch ex Kapp and Sell 1965, Potamogetonion Libbert 1931, Potamogetonetalia Koch 1926, Potamogetonetea Klika in Klika and V. Novàk 1941 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Apulia, Taranto, Foce Patemisco, Massafra, 0 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 40.520659 N, 17.102599 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE492N196 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : ZSC IT9130006 “Pinete dell'Arco Ionico”.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: Lemnetum gibbae and Parvopotamo-Zannichellietum palustris vegetation occur in correspondence of the mouth of the Patemisco River (Suppl. material
EUNIS Classification system
: Q52311 - Terrestrial quillwort communities (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Isoetion Br.-Bl. 1936, Isoetetalia Br.-Bl. 1936, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. and Tüxen ex Westhoff, Dijk and Passchier 194, (
Geographic information
: Italy, Lazio, Frosinone, Ceprano, Selva di Pofi, 133 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 41.550036 N, 13.462028 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE461N205 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The habitat is represented by a network of small, shallow and numerous ponds scattered over Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto forest stands growing on siliceous sands of ancient dunal substrate. Notwithstanding the high floristic and vegetational value, the area is not included in the Natura 2000 network. The relevés represent only a small sample of the target vegetation actually present in this area.
EUNIS Classification system
: S911 - Orogenous riverine brush (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Salicetum incano-purpureae Sillinger 1933, Salicion incanae Aich. 1933, Salicetalia purpureae Moor 1958, Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Campania, Salerno, Aquara, 84 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 40.462282 N, 15.205622 E (Suppl. material
Cells ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE476N194 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : Rels 1 and 5 of Table S9 are included in the ZSC IT8050002 “Alta Valle del Fiume Calore Lucano (Salernitano)”, Rel. 2 of Table S9 in the ZSC IT8050007 “Basso Corso del fiume Bussento”, Rel. 3 of Table S9 in the ZSC IT8050012 “Fiume Alento”, Rel. 4 of Table S9 is included in the ZSC IT8050013 “Fiume Mingardo”, Rel. 5 of Table S9 is included in the ZPS IT8050053 “Monti Soprano, Vesole e Gole del Fiume Calore Salernitano”.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : These cenoses are developed on the banks of the "fiumare" of Cilento, along the course of the main rivers of the National Park: Calore Lucano, Bussento, Alento and Mingardo (Fig. S10).
These are the first reported sites of occurrence of this habitat for Campania Region in the area of the "Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni" National Park.
EUNIS Classification system
: C2 - Surface running waters (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Potamo pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati Rivas Goday 1964, Potamogetonion Libbert 1931, Potamogetonetalia Koch 1926, Potamogetonetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Arezzo, Bucine, River Ambra, 245 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.4074923 N, 11.6015712 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE445N225 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: Though classified in the Potamogetonion, this vegetation should be attributed to the habitat 3260, since it occurs in rivers (
EUNIS Classification system
: R554 - Mediterranean grasslands on alluvial river banks (formerly E5.4 - Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Paspalo distichi-Agrostidion semiverticillatae Br.-Bl. In Br.Bl., Roussine and Nègre 1952, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia Br.-Bl. ex Rivas Goday 1956, Bidentetea Tx. et al. ex von Rochow 1951 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Arezzo, Ambra River (diga di Ambra), 245 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.406898 N, 11.601260 E (Suppl. material
Cells ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE445N225 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : The relevés have been carried out in the riverbeds of four permanent rivers in Tuscany. All investigated areas are similar in geomorphological features, having a soil type with prevalence of pebbles and coarse sand.
EUNIS Classification system
: T22 - Mainland laurophyllous forest (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference : Asparago acutifolii-Laurion nobilis Gianguzzi, Cuttonaro, Cusimano, Romano 2016, Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934, Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. ex A. Bolòs and O. de Bolòs in A. Bolòs y Vayreda 1950 (Guanguzzi et al. 2016).
Geographic information
: Italy, Sicily, Messina, Cesarò, Anghira di Faccialonga, 797 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 37.917862 N, 14.614951 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE472N166 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : SAC ITA030039 “Monte Pelato”; SPA ITA030043 “Monti Nebrodi”.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: The Laurus nobilis microwoods in Sicily are very peculiar environments, having a significant biogeographical value and a diversified floristic set. This vegetation type has a fragmentary and circumscribed distribution and shows a relictual character (
The authors thank "Azienda Speciale Silvo Pastorale del Comune di Troina" for its support during the fieldwork.
EUNIS Classification system
: R13 Cryptogam- and annual-dominated vegetation on calcareous and ultramafic rock outcrops (formerly E1.1 - Inland sand and rock with open vegetation) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Alysso alyssoidis-Sedion Oberd. and T. Müller in T. Müller 1961, Alysso-Sedetalia Moravec 1967, Sedo-Scleranthetea Br.-Bl. 1955 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Lazio, Rome, Aguzzano Urban Park , 28 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 41.938889 N, 12.571111 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE453N209 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: The Habitat 6110* has been reported also into the cells 10kmE454N209 and 10kmE455N209 which are adjacent (toward east) to the cell 10kmE453N209. Despite the two former cells include parts of the territory of the Rome Municipality, the Habitat was only previously known to be present in the Municipality of Tivoli, into the SAC “Travertini Acque Albule (Bagni di Tivoli)” (see also Iamonico and Di Pietro 2018;
The work was included in a project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4 - Call for tender No. 3138 of 16 December 2021, rectified by Decree n.3175 of 18 December 2021 of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Project code CN_00000033, Concession Decree No. 1034 of 17 June 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, CUP B83C22002950007, Project title “National Biodiversity Future Center - NBFC”.
EUNIS Classification system
: included in R31 – Mediterranean tall humid inland grassland (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean.
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Molinio-Holoschoenion Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948; Holoschoenetalia Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Siena, Colle di Val d’Elsa, 172 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.403898 N, 11.137482 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE441N225 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: The presence of this habitat along the Elsa River was recently recorded for the first time (
EUNIS Classification system
: R55 – Lowland moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringe (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean.
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Aegopodion podagrariae Tx. 1967, Circaeo lutetianae-Stachyetalia sylvaticae Passarge 1967, Epilobietea angustifolii Tx. and Preising ex von Rochow 1951 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Tuscany, Siena, Colle di Val d’Elsa, 147 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 43.407292 N, 11.135162 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE441N225 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
Notes : Along the Elsa River, this habitat is especially present in clearings of meso-hygrophilous woods, in a fragmentary way. Artificial modifications of the hydrological regime could be a local threat to its conservation.
EUNIS Classification system
: H3.2 - Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Erucastretum virgati Brullo and Marcenò 1979, Dianthion rupicolae Brullo and Marcenò 1979, Asplenietalia glandulosi Br. - Bl. and Meier in Meier and Br. - Bl. 1934, Asplenietea trichomanis (Br. - Bl. in Meier and Br. - Bl. 1934) Oberdorfer 1977 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Roccella Ionica, Castello, 65 m a.s.l. Coordinates: 38.327394 N, 16.407747 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE488N171 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: The habitat hosts a population of Ptilostemon gnaphaloides, an eastern Mediterranean species that grows spontaneously in Italy only on the cliffs of eastern Calabria, which is assessed, according to IUCN criteria, as vulnerable (Conti et al. 1997). The phytocenosis found is related to Erucastretum virgatae Brullo and Marcenò 1979, an association of Dianthion rupicolae Brullo and Marcenò 1979 distributed in southern Calabria and North-Eastern Sicily. The presence of Ptilostemon gnaphaloides also allows the community to be assigned to the subassociation Erucastretum virgati centaureetosum ionicae Brullo and Marcenò 1979, exclusive to the Ionian slopes of Central-Southern Calabria (
EUNIS Classification system
: T1424 (G1.314 formerly) - Italic poplar galleries (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Populion albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948, Populetalia albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948, Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae Rivas-Martínez and Cantó ex Rivas-Martínez, Báscones, T.E. Díaz, Fernández-González and Loidi 2001 (
Geographic information
: Italy, Sicily, Mirto, Vallone Tiberio (Fig. S20), 289 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 38.092432 N, 14.740551 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE473N168 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: Riparian forests dominated by Salix sp. pl. and Populus sp. pl. (P. nigra and P. alba) referred to the alliance Populion albae are well represented throughout the Italian peninsula. Being linked to a macrobioclimate between thermo- and meso-Mediterranean, they tend to become less frequent in south Italy and on the larger islands, disappearing entirely the small circumsicilian islands. In Sicily, they are mainly found in the hilly and submontane belts (Brullo and Spampinato 1990,
The identified nuclei concern two different riparian formations – clearly dominated, respectively, by P. alba (Rels 1–2) and P. nigra (Rels 3–4) – both attributable to habitat 92A0. The aspects of P. nigra (Rel. 3) are relatively more common in Sicily (Brullo and Spampinato 1990), although not yet indicated for this area. Relevés 1 and 2, on the other hand, characterize interesting aspects clearly dominated by P. alba, which are much rarer, both in the Nebrodi Mountains and in Sicily. They are generally associated with cooler and more humid stretches of watercourses, where they typically have a punctual and fragmented distribution. The stations identified in the territory of the Mirto municipality are located between the branches of the Vallone Tiberio and the stream near the Case della Fornace; they add to other interesting wet sites recently reported for the Nebrodi area (
This research is supported by NBFC to University of Palermo, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, PNRR, Missione 4 Componente 2, “Dalla ricerca all’impresa”, Investimento 1.4, Project CN00000033.
EUNIS Classification system
: T241 (formerly G2.41) - Wild Olea europaea forest (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Chamaeropo humilis-Oleetum sylvestris acanthetosum mollis
Geographic information
: Italy, Sicily, Sciacca, Torre Barone (Fig. S23), 67 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 37.502520 N, 13.125969 E (Suppl. material
Cells ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE479N159 (Tab. S18, Rels 1–3); 10kmE457N161 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : Rel. 4 of Tab. S18 is included in ITA040009 “Monte San Calogero (Sciacca)” the other relevés are currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: The oleaster vegetation of Sicily has been the subject of recent phytosociological studies (
EUNIS Classification system
: T211 Quercus suber forest (formerly G2.11) (
Biogeographical Region : Mediterranean
National Habitat Checklist of reference
: Italian Interpretation Manual of the Directive 92/43/EEC Habitats (
Phytosociological reference
: Carici halleranae-Quercetum suberis Biondi, Casavecchia, Guerra, Medagli, Beccarisi and Zuccarello 2004, Fraxino Orni-Quercion ilicis Biondi, Casavecchia and Gigante ex Biondi, Casavecchia and Gigante in Biondi, Allegrezza, Casavecchia, Galdenzi, Gigante and Pesaresi 2013, Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934, Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine and Nègre 1952. (
Geographic information
: Italy, Apulia, Brindisi, Ostuni, Pozzella, 19 m a.s.l., Coordinates: 40.762880 N, 17.656688 E (Suppl. material
Cell ID in the EEA reference grid
: 10kmE496N199 (Suppl. material
Natura 2000 Site Code : currently not included in any Natura 2000 Site.
Phytosociological table
: Suppl. material
: In the study area, along the coastal rocky from Villanova to T. Santa Sabina, it is possible to observe many small depressions, directed roughly N-S, that starting from the coastline head in the hinterland (Figure S26). In one of these places, at about 1 km from the seacoast in a locality named "Pozzella", there is a very interisting cork oak site with over 50 individuals, many of which are centuries old. This population represent the westernmost limit of the species and also of his habitat and, therefore, must be considered of great phytogeographical interest. This site is rather hidden and difficult to observe, and for this reason it was previously overlooked by botanists, that surveyed other cork places located further inland in the same municipality of Ostuni (
Tables S1–S19
Data type: tables
Explanation note: Phytosociological tables
Figures S1–S26
Data type: maps and photos
Explanation note: Figures with the new cells distribution in Italy and maps with closeup pictures of vegetation types