Corresponding author: Daniele Viciani ( ) Academic editor: Gianluigi Bacchetta
© 2020 Daniele Viciani, Marisa Vidali, Daniela Gigante, Rossano Bolpagni, Mariacristina Villani, Alicia Teresa Rosario Acosta, Michele Adorni, Michele Aleffi, Marina Allegrezza, Claudia Angiolini, Silvia Assini, Simonetta Bagella, Gianmaria Bonari, Maurizio Bovio, Francesco Bracco, Giuseppe Brundu, Gabriella Buffa, Marco Caccianiga, Lucilla Carnevali, Simona Ceschin, Giampiero Ciaschetti, Annalena Cogoni, Valter Di Cecco, Bruno Foggi, Anna Rita Frattaroli, Piero Genovesi, Rodolfo Gentili, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Michele Lonati, Fernando Lucchese, Andrea Mainetti, Mauro Mariotti, Pietro Minissale, Bruno Paura, Mauro Pellizzari, Enrico Vito Perrino, Gianfranco Pirone, Laura Poggio, Livio Poldini, Silvia Poponessi, Irene Prisco, Filippo Prosser, Marta Puglisi, Leonardo Rosati, Alberto Selvaggi, Lucio Sottovia, Giovanni Spampinato, Angela Stanisci, Adriano Stinca, Roberto Venanzoni, Lorenzo Lastrucci.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Viciani D, Vidali M, Gigante D, Bolpagni R, Villani M, Acosta ATR, Adorni M, Aleffi M, Allegrezza M, Angiolini C, Assini S, Bagella S, Bonari G, Bovio M, Bracco F, Brundu G, Buffa G, Caccianiga M, Carnevali L, Ceschin S, Ciaschetti G, Cogoni A, Di Cecco V, Foggi B, Frattaroli AR, Genovesi P, Gentili R, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lucchese F, Mainetti A, Mariotti M, Minissale P, Paura B, Pellizzari M, Perrino EV, Pirone G, Poggio L, Poldini L, Poponessi S, Prisco I, Prosser F, Puglisi M, Rosati L, Selvaggi A, Sottovia L, Spampinato G, Stanisci A, Stinca A, Venanzoni R, Lastrucci L (2020) A first checklist of the alien-dominated vegetation in Italy. Plant Sociology 57(1): 29-54.
This study provides a first step toward the knowledge of the alien-dominated and co-dominated plant communities present in Italy. The first ever checklist of the alien phytocoenoses described or reported in literature for the Italian territory has been compiled, produced by data-mining in national and local thematic literature. The resulting vegetation-type draft-list has been checked in the light of the most recent syntaxonomic documentation and updated with regards to syntaxonomy and nomenclature, with special reference to the frame proposed in the Italian Vegetation Prodrome. The list includes 27 vascular and one bryophyte vegetation classes, hosting 194 low rank alien-dominated syntaxa. The different vegetation types detected for each syntaxonomic class and macro-vegetation group, defined by physiognomical and ecological attributes, are discussed.
biodiversity, conservation, habitat, Invasive Alien Species, phytosociology, plant communities, syntaxonomy, threats
Biological invasions are an ever-increasing global process arising from the intentional or accidental human-mediated introduction of species to areas outside their native range, overcoming natural dispersal mechanisms and biogeographic barriers (
The consideration and debate on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) date back to long ago (
Biological invasions are nowadays widely recognized as an important component of human-induced global environmental change (
An alien organism needs to overcome geographical, environmental, and reproductive barriers to colonize a new region and spread over wide areas. In this process, some factors and traits can be more significant than others in explaining its success and therefore its invasiveness (
Patterns of distribution and abundance of IAS depend on a number of drivers including introduction history and pathways, life traits, availability of potentially invasible ecosystems, residence time, disturbance (
Vascular plants are the most investigated taxonomic group in the field of invasive biology, and Europe devoted great efforts to their study, being the second continent (after North America) for investigative endeavour on plant invasions (
A number of studies addressed the key role of cover and dominance of alien species to understand the invasion patterns (
A study by
Some authors started to qualify and quantify the role of alien species in different vegetation and habitat types, and to point out the functional role that alien species play in plant communities (
Despite a long-dated Italian tradition of phytosociological studies, a national synthesis of the alien-dominated (and co-dominated) plant communities thriving in Italy has never been produced yet. Therefore, the present research aims at taking the first step toward the filling of this knowledge gap.
The European and national projects dedicated to IAS, which involved and currently still involve research academic centres and institutions, are numerous in Italy. Some of them have helped to gather a significant amount of information on invasive plant and animal species. Among the most recent, addressing non-native plant species, their impact and their management, as well as the awareness of the general public on these topics, we can mention: LIFE ASAP (, LIFE GESTIRE IP2020 (, LIFE REDUNE (, MARITTIMO ALIEM (
The present work is the result of a research agreement between SISV (the Italian Society for Vegetation Science) and ISPRA (the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), with financial support from the Italian Ministry of Environment, aimed at supporting the implementation of Regulation EU 2014/1143 (updated by EU Reg. 2017/1263) on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. In particular, the general agreement focused on: i) the update of the Database of Italian Alien Species (DIAS) with reference to their impacts on the ecosystems and the most threatened habitats and ii) the identification of the alien-dominated or co-dominated plant communities occurring in Italy. The outcomes of the latter are here presented. The research on alien plant communities and habitats was carried out through the collaboration of a wide working group of experts led by a Coordinating Committee composed by SISV members.
A dedicated SISV working team, formed by national and local experts, collected all the thematic literature related to terrestrial and freshwater alien-dominated and co-dominated vegetation. On the basis of this bibliographic dataset, a selection of all vegetation data was carried out, with special attention to nomenclature and syntaxonomic classification. All the existing national and regional vegetation databases (e.g. LiSy –;
the analysed low rank syntaxon (association, subassociation, phytocoenon) was dominated or co-dominated by one or more alien plant species; a cover value ≥ 3 according to the "Braun-Blanquet" scale (
the alien species name was included in the name of the syntaxon, by that implying that it is a characteristic/differential/diagnostic or somehow important taxon for the definition of the syntaxon, or even dominating and determining its vertical structure (as stated in Art. 10b of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature:
Starting from this selected dataset, a draft syntaxonomic list was produced. The names of the plant communities and their syntaxonomic attributions at higher ranks have been acknowledged (and are here reported) in the same form as published by the original Authors. In case of inconsistencies or discrepancies, a specific comment has been provided.
The syntaxonomic scheme has then been updated in accordance with the Italian Vegetation Prodrome (
Plant nomenclature in the text follows the Checklists of the vascular flora of Italy (
This process allowed to produce a first checklist of the Italian alien-dominated plant communities. On this ground, some statistics were calculated considering the number of alien vegetation units with reference to i) each resulting syntaxonomic class and ii) homogeneous groups of the resulting syntaxonomic classes, clustered according to their physiognomic and ecological characteristics.
A comprehensive and annotated checklist of the alien-dominated and co-dominated plant communities occurring in Italy is provided in Appendix
The checklist includes a total of 27 classes of vascular plant vegetation and one of bryophyte vegetation, including plant communities dominated or co-dominated by aliens to Italy. The total number of low rank syntaxa (associations/subassociations/communities) amounts to 194.
The number of communities for each class is reported in Fig.
The 27 identified classes and some subordinate syntaxa have been grouped in clusters based on their physiognomy and ecology. The considered groups are as follows:
Forest vegetation (Querco-Fagetea, Quercetea ilicis);
Anthropogenic woody vegetation (Robinietea and part of Rhamno-Prunetea);
Alluvial, marshy and riparian woody vegetation (Alnetea, Salici-Populetea, Salicetea, Alnion incanae);
Perennial herbaceous hygrophilous and hygro-nitrophilous vegetation (Galio-Urticetea, Filipendulo-Convolvuletea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea);
Perennial ruderal herbaceous vegetation (Artemisietea);
Annual ruderal herbaceous vegetation (Stellarietea, Polygono arenastri-Poetea annuae);
Annual herbaceous hygro-nitrophilous vegetation (Bidentetea);
Hydrophitic freshwater vegetation (Potametea, Lemnetea);
Psammophilous vegetation (Euphorbio-Ammophiletea, Cakiletea, Helichryso-Crucianelletea).
Results of the community rates per class groups are shown in Fig.
Also the coastal areas are highly impacted by IAS (
Disturbance regimes are often related to fluctuation in resource availability, indicated as a key driver for invasions, in relation to the intermittent resource enrichment or release (
Other habitats also linked to water (and to the related high levels of disturbance) show a high number of alien-dominated communities. It is the case of riparian non-woody habitats, or of annual and perennial herbaceous hygrophilous and hygro-nitrophilous vegetation types (Fig.
Also the alien communities attributed by many authors to Querco-Fagetea have a prevalent mesohygrophilous character (Appendix
In the checklist we also recorded a bryophyte community dominated by the alien Campylopus introflexus, which in Europe is considered a neophytic moss, introduced from the Southern hemisphere and rapidly expanding (
Few considerations can be made on the number of alien species involved in the communities reported in the checklist. According to
At the same time, the continuous rate of introduction-naturalisation-invasion of new alien plants is an ongoing process that should be detected just in early stages, in order to prevent serious damage to native biodiversity. The numbers here reported raise the alarm for planning conservation biodiversity studies, monitoring protocols and management activities.
The here presented first checklist of the alien-dominated plant communities in Italy should not be considered exhaustive. It is the first step toward a better understanding of distribution, ecology and invasion processes of alien species at community level in this country. Our review represents a screenshot of the current knowledge and suggests that a serious lack of investigation for certain vegetation types (and probably for certain areas of the country) has to be highlighted.
The present checklist of the alien vegetation in Italy can represent a very useful tool, not only for stimulating further studies and investigations but also for prevention, management and monitoring purposes. As emphasized by
This becomes particularly important when considering the close link between plant communities syntaxonomically described and Natura 2000 habitat types, as listed in the Annex I to the Directive 92/43/EEC (
Alien-dominated and co-dominated plant communities in Italy (Syntaxa authors are abbreviated according to Izco 2002)
Class | Order | Alliance | Association/Phytocoenon | Reference number in the specific bibliographical list of Supplement 1 | |||
2 | LEMNETEA MINORIS O. Bolòs & Masclans 1955 | ||||||
2.1 | LEMNETALIA MINORIS O. Bolòs & Masclans 1955 | ||||||
Lemna minuta community | 115 | ||||||
2.1.1 | Lemnion minoris O. Bolòs & Masclans 1955 | ||||||
Azollo filiculoidis-Lemnetum minuscolae Felzines & Loiseau 1991 | 82, 83, 90 | ||||||
Ceratophyllo-Azolletum filiculoidis Nedelcu 1967 | 56, 58 | ||||||
Lemna minuta community | 110 | ||||||
Lemnetum minuto-gibbae Liberman Cruz, Pedrotti & Venanzoni 1988 | 56 | ||||||
Lemno-Azolletum filiculoidis Br.-Bl. 1952 | 40, 115 | ||||||
3 | POTAMETEA PECTINATI Klika in Klika & V. Novák 1941 | ||||||
3.1 | POTAMETALIA PECTINATI Koch 1926 | ||||||
3.1.1 | Potamion pectinati (Koch 1926) Libbert 1931 | ||||||
Callitricho-Elodeetum canadensis Passarge 1964 ex Passarge 1994 | 39 | ||||||
Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton crispus community | 91 | ||||||
Elodea nuttallii community | 28 | ||||||
Elodeo-Potametum crispi (Pignatti 1953) Passarge 1994 | 40 | ||||||
Elodeo-Ranunculetum Richard 1975 | 114 | ||||||
Lagarosiphon major community | 28 | ||||||
Myriophyllum aquaticum community | 64 | ||||||
Potametum crispi Soó 1927 Myriophyllum aquaticum variant | 64 | ||||||
Potametum lucentis Hueck 1931 Lagarosiphon major variant | 116 | ||||||
3.1.2 | Nymphaeion albae Oberdorfer 1957 | ||||||
Hydrocotyletum ranunculoidis Corbetta & Lorenzoni 1976 | 42 | ||||||
3.1.3 | Ranunculion aquatilis Passarge 1964 | ||||||
Callitriche stagnalis and Myriophyllum aquaticum community | 64 | ||||||
Lemno-Callitrichetum cophocarpae (Mierwald 1988) Passarge 1992 Myriophyllum aquaticum variant |
64 | ||||||
12 | BIDENTETEA TRIPARTITAE Tüxen, Lohmeyer & Preising ex Von Rochow 1951 | ||||||
12.1 | BIDENTETALIA TRIPARTITAE Br.-Bl. & Tüxen ex Klika in Klika & Hadac 1944 | ||||||
12.1.1 | Bidention tripartitae Nordhagen 1940 | ||||||
Bidens frondosus community | 57 | ||||||
Bidenti-Polygonetum mitis (Von Rochow 1951) Tüxen 1979 Bidens frondosa variant |
126 | ||||||
Bidenti-Polygonetum mitis (Von Rochow 1951) Tüxen 1979 echinochloetosum crus-galli Baldoni & Biondi 1993 |
15 | ||||||
Polygonetum hydropiperis Passarge 1965 Bidens frondosus facies | 61 | ||||||
Xanthio italici-Polygonetum persicariae O. Bolòs 1957 | 61, 60 | ||||||
Xanthio italici-Persicarietum maculosae O. Bolòs 1957 nom. mut. propos. Abutilon theophrasti variant |
59 | ||||||
Xanthium orientale subsp. italicum community | 46 | ||||||
12.1.2 | Chenopodion rubri (Tüxen 1960) Hilbig & Jage 1972 | ||||||
Cyperetum esculenti Wisskirchen 1995 | 62 | ||||||
Polygono-Xanthietum italici Pirola & Rossetti 1974 | 1, 7, 13, 20, 29, 38, 43, 44, 46, 53, 55, 63, 68, 70, 75, 76, 81, 92, 94, 95 | ||||||
Polygono-Xanthietum italici Pirola & Rossetti 1974 Ambrosia artemisiifolia variant |
4 | ||||||
16 | PHRAGMITO AUSTRALIS-MAGNOCARICETEA ELATAE Klika in Klika & V. Novák 1941 | ||||||
16.1 | PHRAGMITETALIA AUSTRALIS Koch 1926 | ||||||
16.1.1 | Phragmition communis Koch 1926 | ||||||
Scirpetum maritimi (Christiansen 1934) Tüxen 1937 Paspalum distichum variant |
60 | ||||||
16.3 | MAGNOCARICETALIA ELATAE Pignatti 1953 | ||||||
16.3.1 | Magnocaricion elatae Koch 1926 | ||||||
Cyperus eragrostis community | 16 | ||||||
Cyperus glomeratus community | 43 | ||||||
16.5.1 | Glycerio fluitantis-Sparganion neglecti Br.-Bl. & Sissingh in Boer 1942 | ||||||
Eleocharitetum palustris Schennikov 1919 paspaletosum paspaloidis Biondi et al. 2002 |
25 | ||||||
20 |
EUPHORBIO PARALIAE-AMMOPHILETEA AUSTRALIS Géhu & Rivas-Martínez in Rivas-Martínez, Asensi, Díaz-Garretas, Molero, Valle, Cano, Costa & T.E. Díaz 2011 | ||||||
20.1 | AMMOPHILETALIA AUSTRALIS Br.-Bl. 1933 | ||||||
20.1.1 | Ammophilion australis Br.-Bl. 1933 em. Géhu & Géhu-Franck 1988 | ||||||
Carpobrotus acinaciformis community | 88 | ||||||
Carpobrotus edulis community | 88 | ||||||
Xanthietum-Ammophiletum Pignatti 1953 | 91 | ||||||
21 | CAKILETEA MARITIMAE Tüxen & Preising ex Br.-Bl. & Tüxen 1952 | ||||||
21.1 | EUPHORBIETALIA PEPLIS Tüxen 1950 | ||||||
21.1.1 | Euphorbion peplis Tüxen 1950 | ||||||
Cakilo-Xanthietum italici Pignatti 1953 | 1, 9, 12, 38, 91, 93 | ||||||
Salsolo kali-Cakiletum maritimae Costa et Mansanet 1981 corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1992 xanthietosum (Pignatti 1953) Géhu & Scoppola 1984 |
17, 24, 48, 70, 91,106 | ||||||
Xanthio italici-Cenchretum incerti Biondi, Brugiapaglia, Allegrezza & Ballelli 1992 | 24, 100, 109 | ||||||
Xanthio italici-Cenchretum longispini |
100, 106 | ||||||
22 |
HELICHRYSO-CRUCIANELLETEA MARITIMAE (Sissingh 1974) Géhu, Rivas-Martínez & & Tüxen 1973 em. Sissingh 1974 | ||||||
22.1 |
HELICHRYSO-CRUCIANELLETALIA MARITIMAE Géhu, Rivas-Martínez & Tüxen 1973 em. Sissingh 1974 | ||||||
22.1.1 | Crucianellion maritimae Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martínez 1958 | ||||||
Crucianello-Helichrysetum microphylli Bartolo, Brullo, De Marco, Dinelli, Signorello & Spampinato 1992 Carpobrotus acinaciformis variant | 125 | ||||||
Ephedro-Helichrysetum microphylli Valsecchi & Bagella 1991 Carpobrotus acinaciformis variant |
125 | ||||||
31 | PARIETARIETEA JUDAICAE Oberdorfer 1977 | ||||||
31.1 | TORTULO-CYMBALARIETALIA Segal 1969 | ||||||
31.1.1 | Parietarion judaicae Segal 1969 | ||||||
Cheiranthetum cheirii Segal 1962 | 46 | ||||||
Erigeronetum karvinskiani Oberdorfer 1969 | 46, 54, 70 | ||||||
33 | THLASPIETEA ROTUNDIFOLII Br.-Bl. 1948 | ||||||
33.6 | EPILOBIETALIA FLEISCHERI Moor 1958 | ||||||
Oenothera biennis and Scrophularia canina community | 114 | ||||||
34 | ARTEMISIETEA VULGARIS Lohmeyer, Preising & Tüxen ex Von Rochow 1951 | ||||||
Sporobolus vaginiflorus community | 104 | ||||||
Senecio mikanioides community | 101 | ||||||
Helianthus tuberosus community | 99, 104 | ||||||
Solidago gigantea community | 70, 120 | ||||||
Senecio inaequidens community | 99 | ||||||
34.1.1 | Arction lappae Tüxen 1937 | ||||||
Artemisietum verlotorii Lang 1973 | 41, 99, 101 | ||||||
Arundo donax community | 43 | ||||||
Saponario-Artemisietum verlotorum Biondi & Baldoni 1993 | 15, 63, 72 | ||||||
Sileno albae-Acanthetum mollis Biondi, Allegrezza & Filigheddu 1990 | 21 | ||||||
34.2 | AGROPYRETALIA INTERMEDII-REPENTIS Oberdorfer, Müller & Görs in Müller & Görs 1969 | ||||||
34.2.1 | Convolvulo arvensis-Agropyrion repentis Görs 1966 | ||||||
Artemisia verlotiorum community | 13, 127 | ||||||
Sorghum halepense community | 46 | ||||||
34.4 | BRACHYPODIO RAMOSI-DACTYLETALIA HISPANICAE Biondi, Filigheddu & Farris 2001 | ||||||
34.4.4 | Bromo-Oryzopsion miliaceae O. Bolòs 1970 | ||||||
Boerhaavio-Oryzopsietum miliaceae Brullo 1984 | 33 | ||||||
34.5 | ONOPORDETALIA ACANTHII Br.-Bl. & Tüxen ex Klika in Klika & Hadač 1944 | ||||||
Reynoutria japonica community | 118 | ||||||
Artemisia verlotiorum community | 104 | ||||||
Helianthus tuberosus community | 29 | ||||||
Senecio inaequidens community | 29 | ||||||
Solidago gigantea community | 29 | ||||||
34.5.1 | Onopordion acanthii Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 | ||||||
Erigeron canadense and Broussonetia papyrifera community | 91 | ||||||
34.5.2 | Dauco carotae-Melilotion albi Görs 1966 | ||||||
Artemisia verlotiorum community | 47, 118 | ||||||
Artemisio absinthii-Senecionetum inaequidentis Pirone 2001 | 45, 96 | ||||||
Echio-Melilotetum Tüxen 1947 Senecio inaequidens and Erigeron annuus variant |
30 | ||||||
Echio-Melilotetum Tüxen 1947 Oenothera biennis (aggr.) variant | 31 | ||||||
Erigeron annuus community | 78 | ||||||
Helianthus tuberosus community | 29 | ||||||
Oenothera biennis community | 123 | ||||||
Senecio inaequidens community | 29, 31, 129 | ||||||
Solidago gigantea community | 29 | ||||||
34.6 | CARTHAMETALIA LANATI Brullo in Brullo & Marcenò 1985 | ||||||
34.6.2 | Onopordion illyrici Oberdorfer 1954 | ||||||
Carduo pycnocephali-Nicotianetum glaucae Biondi, Blasi, Brugiapaglia, Fogu & Mossa 1994 | 23 | ||||||
36 | ORYZETEA SATIVAE Miyawaki 1960 | ||||||
36.1.1 | Oryzo sativae-Echinochloion oryzoidis O. Bolòs & Masclans 1955 | ||||||
Heteranthera community | 39 | ||||||
37.2 |
NICOTIANO GLAUCAE-RICINETALIA COMMUNIS Rivas-Martínez, Fernández-González & Loidi 1999 | ||||||
37.2.1 |
Nicotiano glaucae-Ricinion communis Rivas-Martínez, Fernández-González & Loidi 1999 | ||||||
Nicotiano glaucae-Ricinetum communis (Br.-Bl. & Maire 1924) de Foucault 1993 | 37, 87 | ||||||
Polycarpo-Nicotianetum glaucae Sunding 1972 | 37 | ||||||
38 |
POLYGONO ARENASTRI-POETEA ANNUAE Rivas-Martínez 1975 corr. Rivas-Martínez, Báscones, T.E. Diáz, Fernández-González & Loidi 1991 | ||||||
Eleusinetum indicae (Slavnic 1951) Pignatti 1953 | 30 | ||||||
Euphorbio-Oxalidetum corniculatae Lorenzoni 1964 | 30 | ||||||
38.2.1 | Polycarpion tetraphylli Rivas-Martínez 1975 | ||||||
Eleusine indica community | 91 | ||||||
Eleusinetum indicae (Slavnic 1951) Pignatti 1953 | 46, 70, 99, 104 | ||||||
Euphorbietum maculatae |
70, 99, 101, 104 | ||||||
Euphorbio-Oxalidetum corniculatae Lorenzoni 1964 | 38, 99, 101 | ||||||
39 | STELLARIETEA MEDIAE Tüxen, Lohmeyer & Preising ex Von Rochow 1951 | ||||||
39a.3 |
SOLANO NIGRI-POLYGONETALIA CONVOLVULI (Sissingh in Westhoff, Dijk, Passchier & Sissingh 1946) O. Bolòs 1962 | ||||||
39a.3.1 |
Digitario ischaemi-Setarion viridis Sissingh in Westhoff, Dijk, Passchier & Sissingh 1946 | ||||||
Amarantho-Chenopodietum albi (Morariu 1943) Soó 1957 | 101 | ||||||
Amarantho-Digitarietum sanguinalis Pignatti 1953 | 67, 71, 91, 101 | ||||||
Chenopodium album and Amaranthus retroflexus community | 99 | ||||||
Cynodonto-Sorghetum halepensis (Laban 1974) Kojic 1979 | 38 | ||||||
Echinochloo-Setarietum pumilae Felföldy 1942 corr. Mucina 1993 xanthietosum italici Poldini et al. 1998 |
105 | ||||||
Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi (Br.-Bl. 1921) Sissingh (1942) 1946 (*) | 66, 67, 91 | ||||||
Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi (Br.-Bl. 1921) Sissingh (1942) 1946 Galinsoga parviflora (*) subassociation |
66 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 sorghetosum halepensis Baldoni 1995 (*) |
14 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 Acalypha virginica (*) facies |
67 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 Echinochloa oryzoides (*) facies |
66 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 Panicum capillare (*) subassociation |
66 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 Datura stramonium and Portulaca oleracea (*) variant |
51 | ||||||
Panico sanguinalis-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 Bolboschoenus maritimus and Paspalum distichum (*) variant |
51 | ||||||
Euphorbio-Galinsogetum ciliatae Passarge 1981 | 79 | ||||||
Galeopsido tetrahit-Galinsogetum parviflorae Poldini et al. 1998 | 105 | ||||||
Galinsogo-Portulacetum Br.-Bl. 1949 ex Pedrotti 1959 | 78, 91 | ||||||
Setario-Echinochloetum colonum A. & O. Bolòs ex O. Bolòs 1956 | 34, 38 | ||||||
Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae (Beck 1941) Tüxen 1950 em. Müller & Oberdorfer | 70 | ||||||
Setario ambiguae-Cyperetum rotundi Brullo, Scelsi & Spampinato 2001 | 38 | ||||||
39a.3.3 |
Diplotaxion erucoidis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 em. Brullo & Marcenò 1980 | ||||||
Amaranthus retroflexus community | 86 | ||||||
39a.3.5 | Fumarion wirtgenii-agrariae Brullo in Brullo & Marcenò 1985 | ||||||
Oxalis pes-caprae community | 85, 87 | ||||||
39b.1 | CHENOPODIETALIA MURALIS Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 | ||||||
39b.1.1 | Chenopodion muralis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 | ||||||
Amarantho blitoidis-Chenopodietum ambrosoidis O. Bolòs 1967 | 46 | ||||||
Amarantho muricati-Chenopodietum ambrosioidis O. Bolòs 1967 | 34 | ||||||
Amarantho-Chenopodietum ambrosioidis O. Bolòs 1967 | 34, 38, 99 | ||||||
Conyzetum albidae-canadensis Baldoni & Biondi 1993 Lolium multiflorum variant |
8 | ||||||
Conyzetum albido-canadensis Baldoni & Biondi 1993 | 46, 101 | ||||||
Conyzo canadensis-Oenotheretum biennis Biondi, Brugiapaglia, Allegrezza & Ballelli 1992 | 24 | ||||||
Xanthio italici-Daturetum stramoni Fanelli 2002 | 46 | ||||||
Amaranthus deflexus and Polycarpon tetraphyllon community | 91 | ||||||
Datura stramonium community | 21 | ||||||
39b.2 | THERO-BROMETALIA (Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martínez ex Esteve 1973) O. Bolòs 1975 | ||||||
39b.2.1 | Echio plantaginei-Galactition tomentosae O. Bolòs & Molinier 1969 | ||||||
Erigeron canadensis community | 121 | ||||||
Galactito-Isatidetum canescentis Brullo 1983 | 32 | ||||||
39b.3 | SISYMBRIETALIA OFFICINALIS J. Tüxen ex W. Matuszkiewicz 1962 | ||||||
39b.3.1 | Sisymbrion officinalis Tüxen, Lohmeyer & Preising ex Von Rochow 1951 | ||||||
Artemisietum annuae Fijalcowski 1967 | 30 | ||||||
Artemisietum annuae Fijalcowski 1967 ambrosietosum Siniscalco & Montacchini 1989 | 118, 119 | ||||||
Conyzo-Lactucetum serriolae Lohmeyer in Oberdorfer 1957 | 3, 31, 104 | ||||||
Datura stramonium and Malva neglecta community | 67, 91 | ||||||
Erigeron canadensis community | 70, 86 | ||||||
39b.3.2 |
Hordeion leporini Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 corr. O. Bolòs 1962 | ||||||
Bassia scoparia and Chenopodium ambrosioides community (**) | 91 | ||||||
39b.4 |
URTICO-SCROPHULARIETALIA PEREGRINAE Brullo ex Biondi, Blasi, Casavecchia & Gasparri in Biondi, Allegrezza, Casavecchia, Galdenzi, Gasparri, Pesaresi, Vagge & Blasi 2014 | ||||||
Oxalis pes-caprae community | 70 | ||||||
39b.4.1 | Veronico-Urticion urentis Brullo in Brullo & Marcenò 1985 | ||||||
Bromo-Brassicetum sylvestris Brullo & Marcenò 1985 | 34 | ||||||
40 | GALIO APARINES-URTICETEA DIOICAE Passarge ex Kopecký 1969 | ||||||
Artemisia verlotiorum community | 30 | ||||||
40.1 | GALIO APARINES-ALLIARIETALIA PETIOLATAE Oberdorfer ex Görs & Müller 1969 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 39 | ||||||
40.1.1 | Petasition officinalis Sill. 1933 em. Kopecký 1969 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 5 | ||||||
40.1.2 | Geo-Alliarion Lohmeyer & Oberdorfer ex Görs & Müller 1969 | ||||||
Solidago canadensis community | 5, 89 | ||||||
40.1.5 | Allion triquetri O. Bolòs 1967 | ||||||
Acantho-Smyrnietum olusatri Brullo & Marcenò 1985 | 34, 70 | ||||||
Acanthus mollis community | 70, 117 | ||||||
41.1 |
CALYSTEGIETALIA SEPIUM Tüxen ex Mucina 1993 nom. mut. propos. Rivas-Martínez, T.E. Díaz, Fernandez-Gonzales, Izco, Loidi, Lousã & Penas 2002 | ||||||
Reynoutria japonica community | 31 | ||||||
Helianthus tuberosus community | 31 | ||||||
Solidago canadensis and Erigeron annuus community | 31 | ||||||
Erigeron annuus community | 31 | ||||||
41.1.1 |
Calystegion sepium Tüxen ex Oberdorfer 1957 nom. mut. propos. Rivas-Martínez, T.E. Díaz, Fernandez-Gonzales, Izco, Loidi, Lousã & Penas 2002 | ||||||
Amorpha fruticosa community | 81 | ||||||
Artemisia verlotiorum community | 127 | ||||||
Arundini-Convolvuletum sepium (Tüxen & Oberdorfer) O. Bolòs 1962 Artemisia verolotiorum variant |
72 | ||||||
Arundini-Convolvuletum sepium (Tüxen & Oberdorfer 1958) O. Bolòs 1962 | 11, 15, 34, 40, 46, 80, 99, 101 | ||||||
Arundo donax community | 43 | ||||||
Calystegio sylvaticae-Arundinetum donacis Brullo, Scelsi & Spampinato 2001 | 35, 38, 73, 84, 85, 87 | ||||||
Calystegio-Asteretum lanceolati (Holzner et al. 1978) Passarge 1993 | 63 | ||||||
Helianthus tuberosus community | 15, 63, 71, 127 | ||||||
Humulus scandens communtity | 39 | ||||||
Rubus caesius and Amorpha fruticosa community | 89 | ||||||
Solidago canadensis community | 81, 83 | ||||||
Solidago gigantea community | 39, 63, 127 | ||||||
50 |
TUBERARIETEA GUTTATAE (Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine & Nègre 1952) Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martínez 1963 nom. mut. propos. Rivas-Martínez, T.E. Díaz, Fernández-González, Izco, Loidi, Lousa & Penas 2002 | ||||||
50.2 | MALCOLMIETALIA Rivas Goday 1958 | ||||||
50.3.2 | Laguro ovati-Vulpion fasciculatae Géhu & Biondi 1994 | ||||||
Ambrosio coronopifoliae-Lophochloetum pubescentis Biondi, Brugiapaglia, Allegrezza & Ballelli 1992 | 95, 99, 102 | ||||||
Sileno coloratae-Vulpietum membranaceae (Pignatti 1953) Géhu & Scoppola 1984 ambrosietosum coronopifoliae Pirone 2005 | 97 | ||||||
55 |
LYGEO SPARTI-STIPETEA TENACISSIMAE Rivas-Martínez 1978 nom. conserv. propos. Rivas-Martínez, T.E. Díaz, Fernández-González, Izco, Loidi, Lousa & Penas 2002 | ||||||
55.2 | HYPARRHENIETALIA HIRTAE Rivas-Martínez 1978 | ||||||
55.2.1 | Hyparrhenion hirtae Br.-Bl., P. Silva & Rozeira 1956 | ||||||
Penniseto setacei-Hyparrhenietum hirtae Gianguzzi, Ilardi & Raimondo 1996 | 36, 52 | ||||||
56 | MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA Tüxen 1937 | ||||||
56.4 | HOLOSCHOENETALIA VULGARIS Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948 | ||||||
56.4.4 | Paspalo distichi-Agrostion semiverticillatae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine & Nègre 1952 | ||||||
Aster squamatus and Inula viscosa community | 94 | ||||||
Loto tenuis-Paspaletum paspaloidis Biondi, Casavecchia & Radetic 2002 | 25, 68 | ||||||
Paspalo distichi-Polypogonetum viridis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 nom. mut. propos. Rivas-Martínez et al. 2002 (= Paspalo distichi-Agrostidetum verticillati Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine & Nègre 1952) |
15, 41, 46, 60, 61, 63, 68, 70, 76, 93, 94, 95, 99, 101, 115 | ||||||
Paspalo distichi-Polypogonetum viridis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas 1936 nom. mut. propos. Rivas-Martínez et al. 2002 facies with Cyperus eragrostis |
63 | ||||||
Paspalum distichum (= paspaloides) community | 19, 81, 103 | ||||||
56.5 | PLANTAGINETALIA MAJORIS Tüxen ex Von Rochow 1951 | ||||||
56.5.1 | Lolio perennis-Plantaginion majoris Sissingh 1969 | ||||||
Juncetum macri (Diemont et al. 1940) Tüxen 1950 | 78 | ||||||
Eleusine indica community | 91 | ||||||
61 | CISTO CRETICI-MICROMERIETEA JULIANAE Oberdorfer ex Horvatić 1958 | ||||||
61.1.1 | Cisto cretici-Ericion manipuliflorae Horvatić 1958 | ||||||
Opuntia ficus-indica community | 69, 85 | ||||||
64 | RHAMNO CATHARTICAE-PRUNETEA SPINOSAE Rivas Goday & Borja ex Tüxen 1962 | ||||||
64.1 | PRUNETALIA SPINOSAE Tüxen 1952 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia and Rubus ulmifolius community | 6 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia and Sambucus nigra community | 70 | ||||||
64.1.1 | Berberidion vulgaris Br.-Bl. 1950 | ||||||
"Corno sanguineae-Ligustretum vulgaris” sensu Biondi et al. 1999 non Horvat 1956 amorphetosum fruticosae Biondi, Vagge, Baldoni & Taffetani 1999 | 27 | ||||||
64.1.2 | Cytision sessilifolii Biondi in Biondi, Allegrezza & Guitian 1988 | ||||||
Cercido siliquastri-Rhoetum coriariae Biondi, Allegrezza & Guitian 1988 | 22 | ||||||
64.3.1 | Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii O. Bolòs 1954 | ||||||
Clematido vitalbae-Arundinetum donacis Biondi & Allegrezza 2004 | 18 | ||||||
65 | ALNETEA GLUTINOSAE Br.-Bl. & Tüxen ex Westhoff, Dijk & Passchier 1946 | ||||||
65.1 | SALICETALIA AURITAE Doing ex Westhoff in Westhoff & Den Held 1969 | ||||||
65.1.1 | Salicion cinereae Müller & Görs 1958 | ||||||
Salicetum cinereae Zolyomi 1931 Amorpha fruticosa variant | 65 | ||||||
68 |
SALICI PURPUREAE-POPULETEA NIGRAE Rivas-Martínez & Cantó ex Rivas-Martínez, Báscones, T.E. Díaz, Fernández-González & Loidi 2001 | ||||||
68.1 | POPULETALIA ALBAE Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 122 | ||||||
68.1.1 | Populion albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1948 | ||||||
Acer negundo community | 46 | ||||||
Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia community | 6 | ||||||
69 | SALICETEA PURPUREAE Moor 1958 | ||||||
69.1 | SALICETALIA PURPUREAE Moor 1958 | ||||||
69.1.1 | Salicion albae Soó 1930 | ||||||
Amorpho fruticosae-Salicetum albae Poldini, Vidali, Bracco, Assini & Villani in Poldini, Vidali & Ganis 2011 | 13, 27, 48, 71, 107 | ||||||
Sicyos angulatus community | 40, 112 | ||||||
69.1.2 | Salicion triandrae Müller & Görs 1958 | ||||||
Salicetum triandrae (Malcuit 1929) Noirfalise 1955 Amorpha fruticosa variant | 27 | ||||||
69.1.4 | Salicion incanae Aichinger 1933 | ||||||
Salicetum incano-purpureae Sillinger 1933 Amorpha fruticosa variant | 27, 62 | ||||||
70 | QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine & Nègre 1952 | ||||||
Sequoia sempervirens community | 49 | ||||||
70.1 | QUERCETALIA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934 | ||||||
70.2.2 | Oleo sylvestris-Ceratonion siliquae Br.-Bl. ex Guinochet & Drouineau 1944 | ||||||
Asparago acutifolii-Oleetum sylvestris Bacchetta et al. 2003 Opuntia ficus-indica variant |
117 | ||||||
71 | QUERCO ROBORIS-FAGETEA SYLVATICAE Br.-Bl. & Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 | ||||||
Acacia melanoxylon community | 49 | ||||||
Euonymus europaeus and Robinia pseudoacacia community | 77 | ||||||
Festuca heterophylla and Robinia pseudoacacia community Arrhenatherum elatius variant |
77 | ||||||
Festuca heterophylla and Robinia pseudoacacia community Rubus macrophyllus variant |
77 | ||||||
Pinus canariensis community | 49 | ||||||
Pinus radiata community | 49 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 50 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia and Prunus serotina community | 113 | ||||||
Sambucus nigra and Robinia pseudoacacia community Chelidonium majus variant |
77 | ||||||
Sambucus nigra and Robinia pseudoacacia community Poa trivialis variant |
77 | ||||||
Sambucus nigra and Robinia pseudoacacia community Rubus gr. discolores variant |
77 | ||||||
71.1 | FAGETALIA SYLVATICAE Pawłowski in Pawłowski, Sokołowski & Wallisch 1928 | ||||||
71.1.4 | Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani Klika 1955 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 50 | ||||||
71.1.6 | Carpinion betuli Issler 1931 | ||||||
Prunus serotina community | 113 | ||||||
71.1.10 | Alnion incanae Pawlowski in Pawlowski, Sokolowski & Wallisch 1928 | ||||||
Amorpha fruticosa community | 40 | ||||||
Populus nigra and Robinia pseudoacacia community | 26 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia and Rubus ulmifolius community | 55 | ||||||
71.2 | QUERCETALIA ROBORIS Tüxen 1931 | ||||||
Buddleja davidii community | 74 | ||||||
71.2.1 | Quercion roboris Malcuit 1929 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 50 | ||||||
71.3.3 | Crataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridis Arrigoni 1997 | ||||||
Sambuco nigrae-Robinietum pseudacaciae Arrigoni 1997 | 10 | ||||||
75 | ROBINIETEA Jurko ex Hadac & Sofron 1980 | ||||||
75.1 | CHELIDONIO-ROBINIETALIA Jurko ex Hadac & Sofron 1980 | ||||||
75.1.1 | Balloto nigrae-Robinion Jurko ex Hadac & Sofron 1980 | ||||||
Ailanthus altissima community | 88 | ||||||
75.1.2 |
Bryonio-Robinion Ubaldi, Melloni & Cappelletti in |
Ailanthus altissima community | 46 | ||||||
Bryonio-Robinietum Ubaldi, Melloni & Cappelletti in |
124 | ||||||
Robinia pseudoacacia community | 46, 98, 128, 130 | ||||||
75.1.3 |
Lauro nobilis-Robinion pseudoacaciae Allegrezza, Montecchiari, Ottaviani, Pelliccia & Tesei 2019 | ||||||
Melisso altissimae-Robinietum pseudoacaciae Allegrezza, Montecchiari, Ottaviani, Pelliccia & Tesei 2019 | 2 | ||||||
Rubio peregrinae-Robinietum pseudoacaciae Allegrezza, Montecchiari, Ottaviani, Pelliccia & Tesei 2019 | 2 | ||||||
Ceratodonto purpurei-Polytrichetea piliferi Mohan 1978 | |||||||
Polytrichetalia piliferi von Hübschmann 1975 | |||||||
Campylopodion polytrichoidis Giacomini 1951 | |||||||
Campylopus introflexus community | 108, 111 | ||||||
(*) In Poldini et al. (1998) the associations Panico-Polygonetum persicariae Pignatti 1953 and Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi (Br.-Bl. 1921) Sissingh (1942) 1946 are considered syntaxonomic synonyms of Echinochloo-Setarietum pumilae Felföldy 1942 corr. Mucina 1993. The authors reached this result by elaborating the synthetic tables of only a part of the works published at national level with the name Panico-Polygonetum and Oxalido-Chenopodietum. Beside this, in Poldini et al. (1988) the numbers of tables and relevés taken into account for the analysis were not indicated. These authors did not also consider any subassociations and variants described. For these reasons, we prefer to report the names of the associations as they were indicated in the original works, without including them as synonyms in the name Echinochloo-Setarietum. | |||||||
(**) This association was described for the north-Adriatic Italian coasts, published by Pignatti (1952-53) as " nom. prov.", therefore not validly, according to ICPN (Art. 3b, |
Soon after the development and data analysis of this article, Pellizzari (
Specific bibliographical list with reference numbers for all the syntaxa quoted in the checklist of Appendix
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