Corresponding author: Irene Prisco ( ) Academic editor: Simonetta Bagella
© 2020 Irene Prisco, Claudia Angiolini, Silvia Assini, Gabriella Buffa, Daniela Gigante, Corrado Marcenò, Saverio Sciandrello, Mariacristina Villani, Alicia T.R. Acosta.
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Prisco I, Angiolini C, Assini S, Buffa G, Gigante D, Marcenò C, Sciandrello S, Villani M, Acosta ATR (2020) Conservation status of Italian coastal dune habitats in the light of the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive). Plant Sociology 57(1): 55-64.
Coastal dunes are among habitats with the worst conservation status on a global, European and national scale. Monitoring and reporting are of strategic importance to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of Habitats Directive and to preserve the unique biodiversity heritage of the Italian dunes. In this study we show main results of the 4th National Report with specific reference to the macro-habitat “Coastal Sand Dunes and Inland Dunes”, highlighting its updated current conservation status at the national and Biogeographical level. A comprehensive Working Group of territorial experts collected, updated, validated and integrated the data available for 11 Annex I Habitats, distributed in the Alpine, Continental and Mediterranean Biogeographical Regions. The conservation status was evaluated through the following criteria: geographic range, surface area, structure, functions, pressures, threats, conservation measures and prospects. Results highlighted the dramatically bad conservation status of Italian dune Habitats: the overall assessment reported 88% of habitats in bad conservation status and the remaining 12% is in inadequate conditions. Results showed a generalised threat and a worrying conservation status both on herbaceous and wooded communities, in particular in some relevant habitats, such as the shifting dunes. Main pressures and threats were linked to residential, commercial and industrial activities, as well as alien species. Although some of the changes in distribution and trends are probably deriving from more accurate and updated data, the alarming conservation status of Italian sand dunes requires a better knowledge of pressures and threats for further management actions and monitoring plans, inside and outside protected areas.
Continental Biogeographical Region, European guidelines, Mediterranean Biogeographical Region, national report, psammophilous vegetation, threats
Sandy coastlines and dune ecosystems are fragile environments currently exposed to several pressures and particularly threatened at a global, European and national scale (
The Mediterranean basin is one of the world biodiversity hotspots (
In the last years, we have witnessed a growing global awareness concerning habitat monitoring and conservation; habitats as a whole are probably more useful indicators of ecosystem functioning compared to individual species (
In 2016, the first European Red List of Habitats had been published. Traditionally, the Red Lists, based on criteria developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), have always focused on single species with extinction risk and trends evaluated at the taxa level. The European Red List of Habitats represents a step further since plant communities and habitats have been taken into account as assessment units. This Red List confirms not only the key role of habitats concerning the implementation of conservation strategies and priorities, but also the necessity of monitoring at the ecosystem level (
Monitoring and reporting are of strategic importance to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Community Directives on biodiversity. Moreover, they serve as a reference framework to identify priorities and critical issues for the next monitoring period (
In this frame, based on the European guidelines (
The activities for the preparation of the 4th National Report have been coordinated by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) on behalf of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), with the scientific support of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI) and the Italian Society of Vegetation Science (SISV). Between October 2018 and May 2019, a comprehensive Working Group of territorial experts distributed by administrative regions and macro-habitat categories, worked in synergy with ISPRA itself and, where possible, with regional administrations, in order to collect, analyse and validate all the available data concerning the 124 types of terrestrial and inland water Habitats present in Italy (
As part of the results achieved by the Working Group, this paper aims at presenting the major results of the 4th National Habitat reporting for the macro-habitat type “Coastal Sand Dunes and Inland Dunes”. Specifically, we reported the updated conservation status of each coastal dune habitat at national level with reference to Biogeographical Regions.
The macro-habitat type “Coastal Sand Dunes and Inland Dunes” encompasses 21 Annex I Habitats in Europe, 11 of which have been reported in Italy. Out of these 11 habitats, 10 are coastal habitats occurring in the Continental and Mediterranean Biogeographical Regions, while only the inland dunes (Habitat 2330) is a non-coastal habitat occurring in the Continental and (marginally) Alpine Biogeographical Region (Table
List of the evaluated coastal sand dunes and inland dunes Habitats and their presence in the Italian Biogeographical Regions: Alpine (ALP), Continental (CON) and Mediterranean (MED).
HABITATS (Group 2xxx) | Biogeographic Regions | ||
ALP | CON | MED | |
2110 Embryonic shifting dunes | X | X | |
2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria | X | X | |
2130 Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation | X | ||
2160 Dunes with Hippophae rhamnoides | X | ||
2210 Crucianellion maritimae fixed beach dunes | X | ||
2230 Malcolmietalia dune grasslands | X | X | |
2240 Brachypodietalia dune grasslands with annuals | MARGINAL | X | |
2250 Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. | X | X | |
2260 Cisto-Lavanduletalia dune sclerophyllous scrubs | X | X | |
2270 Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and/or Pinus pinaster | X | X | |
2330 Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands | MARGINAL | X |
The first step was the collection and integration of data available for reporting: information provided by administrative regions and autonomous provinces (centralised by ISPRA; hereafter: “collected data”) and further data deriving from the latest available updates of the Natura 2000 sites Standard Data Forms. These data were organised at two different levels: I) National scale, through the implementation of distribution maps; II) Biogeographic Regions, which is the scale of the final assessment (
A critical review and analysis of the collected data were necessary, mainly due to their heterogeneity and incompleteness. In some cases, the administrative regions provided incomplete data (e.g. surface area of the habitat missing, incomplete indication regarding the conservation measures applied) or they provided data in a different format than allowed (e.g. surface area in hectares instead of km2, cartographic files with no spatial reference, etc.). Therefore, a comprehensive scientific exchange within and between the macro-habitats Working Group and Subgroups was carried out, which finally led to shared and methodologically sound solutions to fill gaps and discrepancies emerged. The missing data were initially requested to the involved administrative regions and then integrated through the official information hold in the Natura 2000 sites Standard Data Forms, data gathered in published material, “gray” literature, unpublished data of specialists and all sources deemed useful to provide an updated picture on the current conservation status of the Habitats. The data received in different formats were also homogenised.
At the same time, an all-embracing analysis of the information was carried out with the scope to update the geographic distribution of Habitats at the national level. We used the maps of the 3rd Report as starting background information, based on the European 10 km x10 km cells grid, Reference System ETRS89-LAEA5210. In each grid cell, the collected data on Habitats occurrence were validated, integrated or modified taking into account different sources such as official maps, scientific papers, published books, phytosociological tables or direct field surveys, combined with the expert knowledge of the Working Group. In particular, the major contribution to the data implementation derived from the most recent scientific publications on dune systems and related topics with reference, at least in part, to the Italian territory (
Finally, extensive cross-check work allowed the development of a comprehensive biogeographic database. This database includes for each cell the information originally derived from the 3rd Report, updated and verified by regions, autonomous provinces or territorial experts, using explicit data or confirmed by direct verification. In this way, new occurrences were added only when supported by authoritative sources. We should point out that we proceeded to delete presences in cases they were not justified or clearly incorrect, always including a valid motivation. In the absence of any updated information, we confirmed data from the 3rd Report as provided by the administrative regions.
All data supporting the Habitats’ distribution and characteristics (georeferenced phytosociological relevés, both published and unpublished) are currently being archived in the National Database of phytosociological surveys VegItaly (
The standard European assessment sheets for Habitats reporting foresee several criteria that must be considered in order to assess the final conservation status. Criteria were derived from the European guidelines (
For the range criterion, 63% of the assessed Habitats is in Unfavourable-Bad conservation status (U2, Fig.
Regarding the total area currently occupied, almost all Habitats (84%) are in an Unfavourable-Bad conservation status (U2, Fig.
Considering structure and functions, about 68% of the Habitats is in Unfavourable-Bad (U2) conservation status and includes embryo and shifting dunes (Habitats 2110 and 2120), fixed dunes (Habitat 2130, Continental Region), dune grasslands (Habitats 2210, 2230 and 2240 in both Biogeographical Regions) and dunes with Juniperus species (Habitat 2250, Continental Region), while 21% of Habitats are in Unfavourable-Inadequate (U1) conservation status; however, the wooded dunes with Pinus species (Habitat 2270) show a Favourable habitat quality (FV, Fig.
The future prospects of the major part of the habitats are definitely Unfavourable-Bad (U2, 89%). Only the wooded dunes with Pinus species are considered with Unfavourable-Inadequate (U1) conservation status (Fig.
In order to highlight the variation of the conservation status in relation with the area of the Habitats, for each Biogeographic Region we gathered those with similar surface area and then analysed how the previous assessments were distributed in each surface class (< 25 km2, between 25 and 50 km2, > 50 km2). The highest occurrence of Unfavourable-Bad conservation conditions (U2) affects especially Habitats with less than 25 km2 of extent in the Continental Region (Fig.
. Total number of assessment in each category (FV, U1, U2) disaggregated by Biogeographical Region and surface area (km2) of the Italian coastal sand dunes and inland dunes Habitats. We summed up the results of all criteria considered for the assessment: range, area, structure and functions, future prospects.
We should highlight that the key dune habitat 2120 (Shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria) has an Unfavourable-Bad conservation status (U2) for all the criteria in both Biogeographical Regions. In the Continental Region, Habitats with all U2 assessments are the fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation (Habitat 2130), the dune grasslands (Habitat 2230) and the inland dunes (Habitat 2330); the latter has an Unfavourable-Bad conservation status for all the criteria also in the Alpine Region. In the Mediterranean Region, Habitats with all U2 assessments are the dune with Juniperus species (Habitat 2250) and the maquis with sclerophyllous scrubs (Habitat 2260).
Among the main pressures (P) and threats (T) observed in the assessments, most of them are directly or indirectly related to human activities:
However, others could also be associated with natural process, particularly coastal erosion:
Concerning the conservation measures adopted by the administrative regions to limit the negative impact of pressures and threats, we could highlight:
As it could be envisaged from previous results, the overall assessment of Dune Habitats at the end of the 4th reporting period is clearly Unfavourable-Bad (U2) for about 90% of the assessed Habitats (Fig.
The reported unknown trend is referred to the two marginal Habitats that have been evaluated for the first time in this report (see Table
Although more than half of Habitats showed a considerable change in the overall conservation status compared to the previous Report, it is worth pointing out that probably a consistent part of this degradation process is related to a better knowledge of the distribution and quality of Habitats. However, we could not exclude an actual deterioration of the conservation status for some habitats, such as the Mediterranean dune grasslands (Habitat 2230).
The complete set of data relating to all the criteria used for assessing the conservation status of the Habitats are available on the Article 17 Web Tool (
If we consider the trend across the last three reporting cycles (Table
Final assessments of the Italian coastal sand dunes and inland dunes Habitats as resulting in the last three reporting cycles, from 2001 to 2018 (FV: Favourable; U1: Unfavourable-Inadequate; U2: Unfavourable-Bad; XX: Unknown; DD: Data Deficient).
HABITAT | 2nd Report (2001-2006) | 3rd Report (2007-2012) | 4th Report (2013-2018) | ||||||
ALP | CON | MED | ALP | CON | MED | ALP | CON | MED | |
2110 Embryonic shifting dunes | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | |||
2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | |||
2130 Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation | U1 | U2 | U2 | ||||||
2160 Dunes with Hippophae rhamnoides | U1 | U2 | U2 | ||||||
2210 Crucianellion maritimae fixed beach dunes | U1 | U2 | U2 | ||||||
2230 Malcolmietalia dune grasslands | U1 | XX | U2 | U1 | U2 | U2 | |||
2240 Brachypodietalia dune grasslands with annuals | U1 | XX | DD | U1 | U2 | U2 | |||
2250 Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. | U2 | U1 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | |||
2260 Cisto-Lavanduletalia dune sclerophyllous scrubs | U2 | U1 | U2 | U2 | U2 | U2 | |||
2270 Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and/or Pinus pinaster | FV | FV | FV | U1 | U1 | U1 | |||
2330 Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands | DD | XX | DD | U2 | U2 | U2 |
The valuable ecological diversity and the multiple ecosystem services associated to dune habitats have been progressively threatened by the expansion of anthropic activities and also by natural factors, making coastal dunes among the most threatened ecosystems at the global and local scale (
One of the greatest threats is related to their limited geographical extent which, with a continuously decreasing trend over the years, will lead to an increasingly worse future scenario. The most affected Habitats are those with the minimum extension, which are mainly concentrated in the Continental Region, but also in the Mediterranean one (shifting dunes, fixed dunes, dunes with Hippophae rhamnoides, dune grasslands, dunes with Juniperus species, maquis with sclerophyllous scrubs, inland dunes). Moreover, our results showed that both herbaceous and wooded Habitats are highly threatened. In particular, we should highlight the worrying conservation state of some relevant dune Habitats (e.g. Shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria, Habitat 2120) considered with a key role in some ecosystem services, such as dune stability enhancement, coastal erosion protection, resistance of the coastal dune pollination networks, as well as in providing habitat for coastal fauna and in supporting fungal diversity (
The overall worrying state of conservation of the dune systems claims for a better knowledge of pressures and threats acting on these habitats and for further monitoring plans. Without such a systematic approach, coastal dune habitats are going to face further degradation trends in both structure and functions, including also the disruption of spatial zonation of plant communities (
In dynamic and vulnerable ecosystems such as coastal dunes, successful conservation outcomes in the long-term depend on sound evaluations of the effectiveness of current management measures, supported by regular and highly frequent on-ground monitoring, both inside and outside protected sites. We believe that our results provide bases and useful insights for dune habitats protection and management, in the context of the monitoring and reporting obligations set up by the Habitats Directive.
Overall, the results of the 4th Report testify for better knowledge on the geographical distribution, quality, typical species and conservation status of the whole Italian Habitats at biogeographical scale. Therefore, we should clarify that for dune Habitats, some of the changes in distribution and trends might probably be related to the application of more accurate and updated data. However, even though the geographical distribution maps of these Habitats have been validated by a large group of experts with detailed territorial knowledge, yet the lack of information on the actual location of the Habitats outside the Natura 2000 sites has negatively influenced the quantification of the Range parameter, as well as the structure and functions parameter. Finally, it’s worth noting that the information collected has been structured to ensure the archiving and traceability of both published and unpublished literature, placing a solid base of reliable and verified data at the local scale for the next reporting cycles (
According to the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive) the conservation status of Italian coastal sand dunes and inland dunes Habitats is dramatically bad: the overall assessment reports 88% of Habitats in a bad conservation status and the remaining 12% in an inadequate condition. Key dune habitats, such as “Shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria”, show a bad conservation status for all the considered criteria in both Biogeographical Regions. Main pressures and threats are the development of residential, commercial and industrial areas and the expansion of alien and ruderal species. Results show an overall worse conservation status with respect to previous national reports. Although part of these changes is probably due (but not only) to the provision of more accurate and updated data, the undoubtedly bad conservation status of these unstable but resilient Habitats should draw attention to more effective conservation measures, supported by monitoring activities, both inside and outside protected areas.
We are grateful to the whole SISV Working Group for the professionalism shown and for the dedication that everyone has put into this huge and complex work: Adorni M., Allegrezza M., Armiraglio S., Attorre F., Bagella S., Barcella M., Bazan G., Bertacchi A., Bolpagni R., Bonari G., Caccianiga M., Cacciatori C., Caria M., Casavecchia S., Cerabolini B., Ciaschetti G., Ciccarelli D., Cogoni A., Cutini M., De Sanctis M., De Simone W., Del Vecchio S., Di Cecco V., Di Martino L., Di Musciano M., Fantinato E., Ferella G., Filesi L., Foggi B., Forte L., Frattaroli A., Galdenzi D., Gangale C., Gennai M., Gianguzzi L., Giusso Del Galdo G., Guarino R., Lasen C., Maneli F., Mariotti M., Oriolo G., Paura B., Perrino E., Pesaresi S., Pezzi G., Pisanu S., Poponessi S., Puglisi M., Rivieccio G., Selvaggi A., Siniscalco C., Spampinato G., Stinca A., Strumia S., Taffetani F., Tesei G., Tomaselli V., Venanzoni R., Viciani D., Wagensommer R. and Zanatta K.
We also would like to thank Pierangela Angelini and Laura Casella, from ISPRA, for being an important point of reference.
Alicia T.R. Acosta gratefully acknowledges the Grant of Excellence Departments, MIUR-Italy (ARTICOLO 1, COMMI 314 – 337 LEGGE 232/2016).