Corresponding author: Federico Maria Tardella ( ) Academic editor: Daniele Viciani
© 2020 Federico Maria Tardella, Vincenzo Maria Di Agostino.
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Tardella FM, Di Agostino VM (2020) Vegetation of the "Altipiani di Colfiorito" wetlands (central Apennines, Italy). Plant Sociology 57(2): 113-132.
The "Altipiani di Colfiorito" catchment basin in central Italy features a wetland system of great interest for conservation, composed of seven plains. Considering that most of the relevés conducted in the past refer to one plain and date back to the 1960s, the research aim was to widen and update the vegetation knowledge in the whole wetland system. Two hundred and thirty-nine phytosociological relevés were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method. On the basis of cluster analysis of the species data set and phytosociological interpretation, 39 vegetation types were classified, most of which of high conservation interest in central Italy, referred to the Potamogetonetea (6 communities), Bidentetea (2), Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (21), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (9), and Epilobietea angustifolii (1) classes. The new subassociation Phalaridetum arundinaceae alopecuretosum bulbosi is also described. Twenty-two communities found in the past decades by other authors were confirmed, while 17 were new records for the study area. Ten communities were attributed to four habitats of community interest according to the 92/43/EEC Directive, coded as 3150, 3260, 3270, and 6510. Twenty-four communities were not confirmed (eight of Charetea, Lemnetea minoris, and Potamogetonetea, one of Bidentetea; seven of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea; three of Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, four of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and one of Isoëto-Nanojuncetea). Three habitats of community interest (3140, 3170*, and 7230) were not confirmed.
central Italy, habitats of community interest, humid meadows, lacustrine habitat, marshland, nature conservation
Wetlands represent important ecosystems at the European level (
The "Altipiani di Colfiorito" catchment basin hosts one of the most important wetlands of central Italy and is highly worthy of conservation because of its landscape, plant and animal biodiversity, and ecology (
Several authors (e.g.
Most of the studies about the vegetation of this district have been conducted at the Palude di Colfiorito, in the central part of the catchment basin, since the 1960s by Pedrotti, who published the vegetation map (
Considering that the plant sociology of plant communities in the whole system of the "Altipiani di Colfiorito" had never been exhaustively analysed and that most of the relevés conducted in the past refer to the only Palude di Colfiorito and date back to the 1960s, the research goal was to classify the plant communities that compose the vegetation of the wet environments, widening and updating the vegetation knowledge of the wetland system.
The study area, known as the “Altipiani di Colfiorito”, is located between Umbria and Marche in central Italy (Fig.
In terms of bioclimate, the study area is in the lower supratemperate bioclimatic belt, whose thermotype is lower supratemperate and the ombrotype is lower humid (
The geological substratum is composed of limestones and the plains are covered by lake and marshy deposits, such as gravel, clay, silty clay, and peat (
The water supply is mainly provided by rainfall, which is maximum in autumn-winter-spring and minimum in summer, while only a small part derives from some torrent waterways and small springs. This rainfall trend determines significant water level fluctuations, namely the increase of the water-covered areas for short periods, followed by their drainage in summer. Swallow holes at the borders of the plains are the only form of natural drainage and are a surface effect of underground karstic phenomena. A hydric system composed of artificial canals and ditches of moderate depth drains water to swallow holes.
The plains are mainly covered by aquatic and marsh vegetation, humid hay meadows, and arable lands, cultivated mainly with wheat, barley, spelt, lentils, and potatoes, alternated with copses of woody hygrophilous vegetation. The areas between the plains and slopes of the surrounding mountains host agricultural land, small mixed woodlands with Quercus cerris and Carpinus betulus and with Q. cerris and Ostrya carpinifolia, hay meadows, and dry grasslands (
The study area has a long land use history. Artificial underground drainage systems were built about two thousand years ago by the Romans and, more recently (1458-1464) by the Da Varano Dukes. The latter, called “Botte dei Varano”, caused the complete drainage of the Piano di Colfiorito that until then had hosted a lake (
Between 1964 and 1972, the vegetation of a peat bog, composed of Eriophorum latifolium, Carex panicea, and Juncus subnodulosus communities, along with Magnocaricion elatae communities and part of Ranunculion velutini hay-meadows, were destroyed to plant a poplar (Populus canadensis) cultivation, and then drained, tilled, and subjected to peat mining (
From the early 1970s, when hunting was prohibited and the periodical flame weeding ceased, to the end of the 20th century, the reed doubled its surface to the detriment of hydrophytic communities and Schoenoplectetum lacustris (
In the early 1990s, the thresholds of the bulkheads in front of the three main swallow holes were raised, and gaps in the helophytic vegetation were opened near the borders of the basin (
Since the institution of the Colfiorito Regional Park, the anthropic pressure ceased; however, the reed bed spread, closing some canals and ditches, and accumulated a great amount of litter, causing negative impacts on the wetland ecosystem (
The privately-owned lands occupied by humid hay meadows around the marsh, as well as in the other plains, are traditionally mown twice during the year (late June/early July and late August). The use of fertilizers in the surrounding arable lands has been deemed as the main cause of water eutrophication in the Palude di Colfiorito, where the quality of water between 2004 and 2011 was frequently considered as poor or bad, with low oxygen concentrations during summer (Regione Umbria 2015).
We conducted 239 phytosociological relevés (years 2005-2009) using the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method (
We transformed Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance classes into percent values using the average cover values of Braun-Blanquet classes:
+ (< 1%), 0.5 %;
1 (1–5%), 3 %;
2 (5–25%), 15%;
3 (25–50%), 37.5%;
4 (50–75%), 62.5%;
5 (75–100%), 87.5%.
r (rare species) were attributed 0.1%.
We performed cluster analysis on the Hellinger-transformed “relevé-by-species cover” matrix, using the group average algorithm, based on euclidean distance. The Hellinger transformation is recommended for the classification and ordination of species abundance data (
For the syntaxonomic placement of the vegetation types, we referred to
Finally, we compared the plant communities found in our survey with those found by other authors in the past in the study area and assessed their status as habitats of community interest sensu 92/43/EEC Directive following the Italian interpretation manual of the 92/43/EEC Directive habitats (
The cluster analysis of the phytosociological relevés showed the following nineteen main groups (Fig.
The phytosociological interpretation of plant communities highlighted by cluster analysis (Fig.
Potamogetono pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati Rivas Goday 1964 (group 1, Suppl. material
Hydrophytic vegetation characterized by the submerged species Myriophyllum spicatum, attributed to the Potamogetono pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati association (Potamogetonion pectinati alliance). This community, generally common in water bodies characterized by a high concentration of organic sediments (
In 1967, Pedrotti found at the Palude di Colfiorito a Myriophyllum spicatum-dominated community, attributed to the Myriophylletum spicati association, which had a localized distribution (
The association was reported in lacustrine and fluvial environments in Italy, e.g. along the River Tiber (
Persicaria amphibia community (group 1, Suppl. material
Hydrophytic species-poor community dominated by Persicaria amphibia, with Myriophyllum verticillatum and ingressive species from the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class (Phragmites australis, Mentha aquatica subsp. aquatica, and Carex acuta).
We found this community of the Nymphaeion albae alliance, in the stagnant waters of the Palude di Colfiorito, with water depth ranging from a few centimeters to 50 cm during the year.
Persicaria amphibia communities have been reported from north-eastern Italy (
Myriophylletum verticillati Gaudet ex Šumberová in
Hydrophytic vegetation characterized by Myriophyllum verticillatum, a submerged species occurring in meso-eutrophic waters.
This community, attributed to the Myriophylletum verticillati association (Potamogetonion pectinati alliance), occurs in habitats in an advanced stage of terrestrialization (
Nymphaeetum albae Vollmar 1947 (group 1, Suppl. material
Species-poor hydrophytic vegetation, dominated by Nymphaea alba, sometimes with Myriophyllum verticillatum and Persicaria amphibia. Following
According to
The association was reported at the Lake of Massaciuccoli (Tuscany) by
Callitriche stagnalis community (group 2, Suppl. material
Hydrophytic vegetation dominated by Callitriche stagnalis, with Ranunculus trichophyllus, of the Ranunculion aquatilis alliance, with ingressive species from Nasturtio-Glycerietalia (Nasturtium officinale, Helosciadium nodiflorum, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, and Berula erecta).
We found this community in stagnant or slowly flowing waters of ditches; toward the banks, it was in contact with the helophytic vegetation of the Helosciadietum nodiflori, Nasturtietum officinalis, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica community.
In accordance with some Italian authors (e.g.
In Italy C. stagnalis-dominated communities have been found in the Venetian Plain (
Potamogetono crispi-Ranunculetum trichophylli Imchenetzky 1926 (group 3, Suppl. material
Ranunculus trichophyllus-dominated hydrophytic community, with Callitriche stagnalis, referred to the Ranunculion aquatilis alliance. The species composition included elements of the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance and higher-rank syntaxa (e.g. Nasturtium officinale, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, and Glyceria notata).
The association is uncommon in the stagnant or slowly flowing waters along ditches.
In Italy, Ranunculus trichophyllus-dominated communities were found in northeastern and central Italy, and in Sicily (e.g.
Glycerietum notatae Kulczyński 1928 (group 3, Suppl. material
Species-poor plant community, physiognomically characterized by Glyceria notata and other species of the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance and higher syntaxa (e.g. Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Nasturtium officinale, Mentha aquatica subsp. aquatica, and Myosotis scorpioides) and ingressive species from the Potamogetonetea class (Ranunculus trichophyllus).
The association is widespread in the ditches, in contact with the Nasturtietum officinalis association and the Veronica anagallis-aquatica community. In the sections with slow flowing water, it was found at the border of the watercourse, toward the inside, in contact with the Potamogetono crispi-Ranunculetum trichophylli. Where water is stagnant for most of the year, the community occupies the ditch bed, together with the Caricetum vesicariae and Phalaridetum arundinaceae associations.
In Italy this vegetation type is frequent, being recorded by many authors from sea level to the mountain belt (e.g. Cortini Pedrotti et al. 1973;
Beruletum erectae Roll 1938 (group 4, Suppl. material
Helophytic vegetation characterized by Berula erecta, with species of the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance and higher syntaxa (Glyceria notata, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, and Nasturtium officinale).
In the study area, it occurs along the ditches of the Palude di Colfiorito, near the banks of the deepest ones, where it is in contact with Helosciadietum nodiflori, towards the central part of the ditch section.
This community (syn. Veronico-Sietum erecti Passarge 1982, Veronico beccabungae-Beruletum erectae Passarge 1999) was found by
Rorippo ancipitis-Catabrosetum aquaticae (Oberdorfer 1957) Müller et Görs 1961 (group 4, Suppl. material
Plant community with a dominance of Catabrosa aquatica, with Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Glyceria notata, and Helosciadium nodiflorum, growing on slow-flowing or temporarily stagnant waters. It hosts some species of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, such as Holcus lanatus, Poa pratensis and Dactylis glomerata, because it is in contact with the temporarily flooded meadows of the Ranunculion velutini alliance. Following
We found this community along the main ditch that crosses the Piano di Colle Croce.
The Catabrosa aquatica community found along the River Nera (Marche, central Italy) by
Veronica anagallis-aquatica subsp. aquatica community (group 4, Suppl. material
Veronica anagallis-aquatica-dominated community, with Nasturtium officinale and some ingressive species from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Bidentetea classes. The occurrence of Veronica anagallis-aquatica and Nasturtium officinale justifies its placement in the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance.
The community was found in stagnant or slightly flowing waters, 20-50 cm deep, in contact with Nasturtietum officinalis and the Callitriche stagnalis community.
Nasturtietum officinalis Gilli 1971 (group 4, Suppl. material
Single-species or species-poor pioneer helophytic community, which establishes after human disturbance, with a dominance of Nasturtium officinale, with Veronica anagallis-aquatica and ingressive species from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.
This community, typical of sunny, quickly to slowly flowing, oligo- to eutrophic waters (
In Italy, this community is widely spread (e.g.
Helosciadietum nodiflori Maire 1924 (group 4, Suppl. material
Vegetation of ditches characterized by Helosciadium nodiflorum with elements of the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance and the Nasturtio-Glycerietalia order (Nasturtium officinale, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Berula erecta, and Glyceria notata).
We found this community along a short stretch of a ditch at the Palude di Colfiorito, in contact with Beruletum erectae and Nasturtietum officinalis, where water was 50-60 cm deep.
The association is rather frequent in Italy (e.g. Pedrotti, 1967, 1995, 2008;
Eleocharitetum palustris Savič 1926 (group 5, Suppl. material
Single-species or species-poor pioneer plant community, physiognomically characterized by Eleocharis palustris subsp. palustris, sometimes associated with species of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, coming from the surrounding meadows. The community develops where the soil is subject to periodic cycles of submergence and emergence until the end of spring and can tolerate long periods of flooding, but it can also withstand periods with dry soil (
We found this association in small patches at the edge of Palude di Colfiorito, in contact with communities referred to Phragmition communis and Bidention tripartitae alliances.
This vegetation type is distributed in northern and central Italy (e.g.
Schoenoplectetum lacustris Chouard 1924 (group 6, Suppl. material
Community characterized by Schoenoplectus lacustris, mostly occurring in the outer vegetation belt of the Palude di Colfiorito, where it forms dense and extensive monospecific stands between Phragmitetum/Phalaridetum and open waters. Where the stands are less dense, other species of the Phragmition communis alliance and higher-rank syntaxa, including Phragmites australis, Phalaris arundinacea, and Typha latifolia, enter into the composition of this community.
The Schoenoplectetum lacustris is in close contact with other associations of the Phragmition communis alliance, especially in the Palude di Colfiorito, and sometimes occupies the whole section of unmanaged ditches.
The association is rather frequent across Italy in marshes, around lakes and along watercourses (
Iridetum pseudacori Eggler 1933 ex Brzeg et M. Wojterska 2001 (group 6, Suppl. material
Plant community with a dominance of Limniris pseudacorus, with species of the Phragmition communis alliance (e.g. Typha latifolia and Schoenoplectus lacustris) and ingressive species from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, coming from the surrounding meadows.
We found this association inside depressions in the humid meadows and along some ditches of the Piano di Colfiorito.
Limniris pseudacorus-dominated communities had been found in various Italian wetlands from the Trentino-Alto Adige to Sicily (e.g.
Typhetum latifoliae Nowiński 1930 (group 6, Suppl. material
Species-poor plant community, characterized by Typha latifolia, associated with other species of the Phragmition communis alliance (Schoenoplectus lacustris and Glyceria maxima).
Typhetum latifoliae occurs in stagnant or slowly flowing waters of marshes and ditches, less than 50 cm deep, in contact with other associations of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea and, to the inside of the basins and ditches, with the hydrophytic coenoses of Potamogetonetea.
It is very common in Italian wetlands (e.g.
Carex hirta community (group 6, Suppl. material
Species-poor plant community, with a dominance of Carex hirta. Due to the occurrence of elements of Potentillion anserinae and higher-rank syntaxa, we placed this community in the Potentillion anserinae alliance, even though the presence of some elements of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class marks its transition towards the coenoses of flooded habitats. Because of the lack of floristic characterization, we could not classify it at the association level.
Toward the inside of the basins, this community is in contact with helophytic communities of Phragmition communis and Magnocaricion gracilis, and toward the external areas, with Ranunculion velutini meadows.
In Tuscany,
Glycerietum maximae Nowiński 1930 corr. Šumberová, Chytrý et Danihelka in Chytrý 2011 (group 6, Suppl. material
Species-poor plant community of marshes and ditches, with a dominance of Glyceria maxima, which is associated with other species of the Phragmition communis alliance and higher syntaxa, including Phragmites australis, Phalaris arundinacea, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sparganium erectum, and Lycopus europaeus.
The community forms more or less extensive stands in the outer part of the Palude di Colfiorito basin, where, according to
In Italy this vegetation type is reported from lowland to submontane areas of northern and central Italy (e.g.
Caricetum vesicariae Chouard 1924 (group 7, Suppl. material
Species-poor, sometimes monospecific helophytic community, dominated by Carex vesicaria, belonging to the Magnocaricion gracilis alliance, with a few other species of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class (e.g. Typha latifolia, Glyceria notata, and Rorippa amphibia), typical of stagnant waters and marshy meadows, which grows on meso-eutrophic, mineral or semi-peaty soils (
The association is uncommon in the study area and occurs along a short stretch of the main ditch of the Piano di Arvello.
The association had been found in wetlands of northern and central Italy (Cortini Pedrotti et al. 1973;
Carici otrubae-Juncetum inflexi Minissale et Spampinato 1985 (group 8, Suppl. material
Species-poor sub-nitrophilous and sub-hygrophilous community dominated by Juncus inflexus subsp. inflexus, associated with species of the Potentillo-Polygonetalia order and Molinio-Arrhenateretea class, e.g. Carex otrubae, Ranunculus repens, Carex hirta, Galium album subsp. album, and Rumex acetosa. The species composition of the community allows us to place it in the Potentillo-Polygonetalia order of the Molinio-Arrhenateretea class. This is consistent with
The species composition of this community differs from that of Galio palustris-Juncetum inflexi, described by
The association is in contact with some communities of Phragmition communis, i.e. Phalaridetum arundinaceae, Schoenoplectetum lacustris, Glycerietum maximae, and with the humid meadows of the Ranunculion velutini alliance. The other contact vegetation is the Carex otrubae community, toward the banks of some ditches subjected to periodic desiccation.
Urtico dioicae-Sambucetum ebuli (Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber et Wa1as 1936) Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine et Nègre 1952 (group 9, Suppl. material
Thermo-heliophilous and nitrophilous association, characterized by Sambucus ebulus, with Urtica dioica and species of the Balloto-Conion maculati alliance and higher syntaxa, such as Conium maculatum, Rubus caesius, Cruciata laevipes, Galium aparine, and ingressive species from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.
The association occurs sporadically on nitrogen-rich soils, at the edge of roads, paths, and hedges around the wetlands.
This association has been found in northern (
Caricetum ripariae Máthé et Kovács 1959 (group 10, Suppl. material
Species-poor Carex riparia-dominated community, with a low number of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea species and ingressive elements from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. The occurrence of C. acuta and C. vesicaria, besides the dominant species, allows its attribution to the community of the Caricetum ripariae association, included in the Magnocaricion gracilis alliance, following
This community is very fragmented and forms dense stands in marshy meadows and ditches, in contact with the communities of the Phragmition communis and Magnocaricion gracilis alliances.
This association is rather frequent, but endangered, across the Italian Peninsula (e.g.
Cyperetum longi (Micevski 1957) Micevski 1963 (group 10, Suppl. material
Community characterized by Cyperus longus, poor in elements of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class, with several ingressive species from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.
Because of the dominance of Cyperus longus and the presence of species of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea classes, following
This community is uncommon in the study area, where it forms small and dense stands, in periodically flooded soils, in contact with Phragmitetum australis and the communities of the Ranunculion velutini alliance.
In Italy, the association was found in Tuscany (
Phragmitetum australis Savič 1926 (group 10, Suppl. material
Helophytic single-species or species-poor community, dominated by Phragmites australis, attributed to the Phragmitetum australis association, including species of the Phragmition communis alliance and higher syntaxa, as well as ingressive elements from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Artemisietea vulgaris classes.
It is the dominant type of vegetation in the Palude di Colfiorito, where it develops in stagnant eutrophic waters with ground flooded from autumn to early summer and not drying in summer. In the other plains, this association occurs in the bed of the ditches.
If it is not subjected to periodic disturbance (mowing or tillage), this community tends to colonize the marshy and humid meadows in the outer vegetation band of the Palude di Colfiorito and the uncultivated lands in contact with the wetland vegetation (
To the inside of the basin, the community is in contact with the hydrophytic communities of the Nymphaeion alliance, while to the outside of the basin, it is in contact with other Phragmito-Magnocaricetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea communities, with which it sometimes forms compenetrations.
The association is very common in all the countries of the temperate zone, including Italy (e.g.
Polygono lapathifolii-Xanthietum italici Pirola et Rossetti 1974 (group 11, Suppl. material
Therophytic ephemeral plant community, which appears in late-summer in temporarily flooded nutrient-rich and silty-sandy soils, characterised by species of the Bidentetea tripartitae class and ingressive elements from Stellarietea mediae and Artemisietea vulgaris classes. Because of the dominance of Xanthium italicum and the occurrence of Persicaria lapathifolia, we attributed it to the Polygono lapathifolii-Xanthietum italici association (Chenopodion rubri alliance).
The very fragmented stands of this association (sometimes extended a few square meters) occur on the external edge of humid meadows, in contact with croplands.
The association is known for the border of water basins on silty-sandy nitrophilous soils (
Bidentetum tripartitae Miljan 1933 (group 11, Suppl. material
Therophytic ephemeral plant community of temporarily flooded, nutrient-rich areas, which appears in the late summer, characterized by the annual species Bidens tripartita subsp. tripartita and Persicaria lapathifolia, characteristic of the association Bidentetum tripartitae and higher syntaxa, and transgressive species from Potentillion anserinae alliance.
The very fragmented stands of this association, sometimes extended a few square meters, occur at the edge of marshy and humid meadows, which are flooded until late spring-early summer and emerge in mid-late summer.
Two variants of this association, characterized by Persicaria lapathifolia and Chenopodiastrum murale were found by
In Italy, it was found in northern and central Italy and Sicily (
Epilobium hirsutum community (group 12, Suppl. material
Epilobium hirsutum-dominated nitrophilous community found at the edge of the humid meadows of Ranunculion velutini. Given that most of the species of this community are characteristic of Potentillion anserinae and higher syntaxa, e.g. Ranunculus repens, Galega officinalis, and Lotus corniculatus, we placed it in the Potentillion anserinae alliance.
Galega officinalis community (group 12, Suppl. material
Nitrophilous pioneer community, physiognomically characterized by Galega officinalis, including species of the Potentillion anserinae alliance and higher syntaxa, e.g. Ranunculus repens, Galium album subsp. album, and Poa trivialis. The occurrence of ingressive species from the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Stellarietea mediae, and Artemisietea vulgaris classes indicates the placement of this community between the helophytic vegetation of Phragmition communis / Magnocaricion gracilis and anthropogenic vegetation.
This community occurs along the banks of ditches at the borders of the plains, periodically flooded during the year, with alternation of a flooding phase in winter and spring and a summer emergence phase.
Deschampsio-Caricetum distantis
Thick-sward wet meadows, dominated by Deschampsia cespitosa. The occurrence of Ranunculus velutinus, Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum, Orchis laxiflora, Bellevalia romana, Trifolium resupinatum, and Alopecurus rendlei justifies placing the community in the Ranunculion velutini alliance and the Trifolio-Hordeetalia order. The occurrence of Carex distans, besides Deschampsia cespitosa, allows its attribution to the Deschampsio-Caricetum distantis association, described by
This community, found in depressions flooded until early summer and moist until the end of summer, is in contact with Hordeo-Ranunculetum velutini meadows, inside which it sometimes forms more or less extended patches, and with communities of the Phragmitetalia and Nasturtio-Glycerietalia orders.
The association is endemic of the humid meadows of central and southern Italy (
Hordeo-Ranunculetum velutini
Community of humid hay meadows with a dense sward, common in areas that remain flooded until early spring, while the ground dries up in the early summer. It is physiognomically characterized by Ranunculus velutinus, Cynosurus cristatus, Poa pratensis subsp. pratensis, Centaurea jacea subsp. jacea, and Trifolium pratense. The occurrence of Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum, Orchis laxiflora, and Gaudinia fragilis, besides Ranunculus velutinus, justify placing the community in the Ranunculion velutini alliance and the Trifolio-Hordeetalia order, while the presence of Hordeum secalinum, Bromus racemosus subsp. racemosus, Trifolium dubium, T. resupinatum, Alopecurus rendlei, and Bellevalia romana indicates that the community fits with the association Hordeo-Ranunculetum velutini.
This association is in contact with the helophytic associations of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea toward the inside of the basins, and with the therophytic nitrophilous communities, and croplands, toward the outside.
This association, described by
Sparganietum erecti Roll 1938 (group 15, Suppl. material
Plant community dominated by Sparganium erectum, which forms more or less thick stands. The dominant species and the presence of elements of the Glycerio-Sparganion alliance led us to attribute this community, following
We found the plant community in stagnant waters, 10-50 cm deep, in contact with Phragmitetum australis and Glycerietum maximae.
It has been reported in northern, central, and southern Italy (e.g.
Caricetum gracilis Savič 1926 (group 16, Suppl. material
Species-poor helophytic association, characterized by Carex acuta, which forms thick stands, with species of the Magnocaricion gracilis alliance and higher syntaxa (Carex vesicaria, Galium palustre subsp. elongatum, Phalaris arundinacea, etc.) and sporadic occurrences of ingressive species of the Potentillo-Polygonetalia and Trifolio-Hordeetalia orders (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class).
The association occurs where the soil is frequently flooded from autumn to spring and remains muddy during summer, often in contact with other communities of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class.
This community is more frequent in northern Italy, but is recorded from several localities across the Italian peninsula (e.g. Cortini Pedrotti et al. 1973;
Potentilla reptans community (group 17, Suppl. material
Species-poor hygro-nitrophilous plant community, dominated by Potentilla reptans.
The prevalence of floristic elements of Potentillion anserinae and higher syntaxa (Potentilla reptans, Rumex crispus, Oenanthe fistulosa, and Thalictrum lucidum) led us to place this community in the Potentillion anserinae alliance.
This community differs in species composition from Rorippo amphibiae-Potentilletum reptantis described in Valdichiana (Tuscany, Italy) by
The Potentilla reptans community is generally present on the bottom of the sinkholes, in contact with Phalaris arundinacea and Carex acuta-dominated stands.
Phalaridetum arundinaceae Libbert 1931
typicum (group 18, Suppl. material
alopecuretosum bulbosi subass. nova (group 18, Suppl. material
Carex acuta variant (group 18, Suppl. material
Helophytic association dominated by Phalaris arundinacea, with other species of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (e.g. Phragmites australis, Scutellaria galericulata, Eleocharis palustris, Lythrum salicaria, and Carex acuta) and ingressive species from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (e.g. Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum, Centaurea jacea subsp. jacea, and Trifolium pratense). The species composition allows us to place this community in the Phragmition communis alliance (Phragmitetalia order, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class), following
The association is rather frequent across the Italian peninsula (e.g.
The typical form of this community was found in sites with stagnant eutrophic waters, at the edge of ditches and swallow holes, characterized by seasonal fluctuations, in contact with other helophyitic coenoses of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea to the inside of the basin and the main ditches, and with wet meadows of Trifolio-Hordeetalia, hygro-nitrophilous communities and croplands to the outside.
In the areas where water is drained more rapidly by larger canals to foster the mowing of the surrounding hay meadows, and the soil remains waterlogged and humid for a shorter period, the species composition of the community changes, increasing species from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. The occurrence of this group of species indicates the transition from Phalaridetum arundinaceae to humid meadows of Ranunculion velutini and allows us to describe the new subassociation Phalaridetum arundinaceae alopecuretosum bulbosi, whose differential species are Alopecurus bulbosus subsp. bulbosus, A. rendlei, Oenanthe fistulosa, Trifolium resupinatum, Centaurea jacea subsp. jacea, Galium debile, and Plantago lanceolata.
In small depressions of few centimeters or in contact with marsh vegetation of the Magnocaricion gracilis, where water stands for more time during the year, Carex acuta tends to become codominant with Phalaris arundinacea. We attributed this aspect to a Carex acuta variant of the subassociation Phalaridetum arundinaceae alopecuretosum bulbosi.
Carex otrubae community (group 19, Suppl. material
Species-poor plant community of the stagnant waters dominated by Carex otrubae, present exclusively along the banks of ditches of modest depth, which during the year undergo periods of submergence (winter-early spring) and emergence (summer), depending on the variability of the water supply resulting from rainfall.
Carex otrubae communities found by
The Carex otrubae community is in contact, toward the center of the ditch section, with the Oenantho aquaticae-Rorippetum amphibiae, Carici otrubae-Juncetum inflexi, Glycerietum notatae, and Caricetum vesicariae associations, while toward the external areas, it is in contact with the humid meadows of the Ranunculion velutini.
Gratiola officinalis community (group 19, Suppl. material
Community characterized by Gratiola officinalis, which colonizes soils undergoing alternation of spring floods and summer desiccation, with species from peaty and marshy meadows, such as Carex panicea, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Ranunculus flammula, and Oenanthe fistulosa, and elements of Potentillo-Polygonetalia, such as Mentha pulegium subsp. pulegium, Carex hirta, C. otrubae, Ranunculus repens, and Galium album subsp. album.
We found this community inside depressions 20-30 cm deep, surrounded by the humid meadows of Ranunculion velutini alliance.
Two associations physiognomically characterized by Gratiola officinalis have been identified in Hungary (Ranunculo flammulae-Gratioletum
Because of the different floristic composition and biogeographic contexts, the abovementioned syntaxa do not seem suitable for interpreting the analyzed community; however, there are no elements to describe a new association. Given the high frequencies of species of Potentillion anserinae and the higher syntaxonomic units, we propose placing this community in the Potentillion anserinae alliance.
Oenantho aquaticae-Rorippetum amphibiae Lohmeyer 1950 (group 19, Suppl. material
Plant community physiognomically characterized by Rorippa amphibia, with Mentha aquatica subsp. aquatica, Myosotis scorpioides and other species of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class, such as Phalaris arundinacea, Glyceria maxima, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Glyceria notata, and Typha latifolia. Sometimes there are submerged hydrophytic rooting species, such as Myriophyllum verticillatum, Ranunculus trichophyllus, and Callitriche stagnalis. The occurrence of species such as Gratiola officinalis, Ranunculus repens and Rumex conglomeratus indicates an early dynamic stage of this community, which will probably lead to progressive terrestrialization, testified by the Rorippa amphibia community, extremely species-poor and mainly composed of nitrophilous and ruderal species, found at the border of the Palude di Colfiorito by
We refer this community to the Oenantho-Rorippetum association and the Eleocharito palustris-Sagittarion sagittifoliae alliance, often published under the synonym name Oenanthion aquaticae Hejny 1948 (
The plant community develops in stagnant or slowly flowing waters, less than 50 cm deep, in contact with communities of the Phragmition communis alliance. It is indicated in northern and central Italy (e.g.
In the relevés carried out in the period 1963-1977, Pedrotti reported 40 plant communities (Suppl. material
In our survey (years 2005-2009), we found 39 plant communities referred to the Potamogetonetea (six communities), Bidentetea (2), Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (21), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (9), and Epilobietea angustifolii (1) classes. Twenty-two of them confirm the findings of
As far as habitats of community interest are concerned, 19 plant communities found by Pedrotti in the 1960s/1970s can be ascribed to seven habitats of community interest (Suppl. material
We found a considerable richness in plant communities (39 vegetation units, belonging to five vegetation classes). Most of them are of high conservation interest in central Italy because they are endemic to the central and southern Apennines (meadows of the Ranunculion velutini alliance), rare or endangered in peninsular Italy (hydrophytic and helophytic vegetation of Potamogetonetea and Phragmito-Magnocaricetea classes), and deemed habitats of community interest according to the 92/43/EEC Directive. However, we did not confirm 24 plant communities found in the past, most of which can be attributed to habitats of community interest.
The studied wetland system underwent several alterations over time and is still threatened by the reduction of precipitation due to climate change, anthropic activities outside or bordering on the basins, such as tillage of croplands, circulation of agricultural vehicles, cropland fertilization that causes eutrophication of the water bodies, and unauthorized water collection for irrigation purposes. The lack or the discontinuity of management and maintenance interventions in part of the study area, especially the lack of management of the reed beds, canals, and ditches, could further negatively impact the biodiversity of the wetland system. The reed expansion to the outside of the basins, the increase in the extent of the Nymphaeetum albae, and the filling of small artificial watercourses is threatening rare species (e.g. Ranunculus ophioglossifolius, R. flammula, Equisetum fluviatile, and Ophioglossum vulgatum, see
To preserve plant species and vegetation diversity of these wetlands, besides the implementation of the usual maintenance activities (cleaning of ditches and mowing of the hay meadows), some conservation actions are advisable, such as the periodical mowing of the reed bed to contain its expansion outwards, and the removal of dead material from the bottom of water pools and canals. Finally, the monitoring of the species composition of plant communities, and of changes in the vegetation mosaic, periodically updating the vegetation maps, is of great importance for the management of the wetland system.
POTAMOGETONETEA Klika in Klika et Novák 1941
Potamogetonion Libbert 1931
Potamogetono pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati Rivas Goday 1964
Myriophylletum verticillati Gaudet ex Šumberová in
Nymphaeion albae Oberd. 1957
Nymphaeetum albae Vollmar 1947
Persicaria amphibia community
Ranunculion aquatilis Passarge ex Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 2015
Potamogetono crispi-Ranunculetum trichophylli Imchenetzky 1926
Callitriche stagnalis community
BIDENTETEA Tüxen et al. ex von Rochow 1951
BIDENTETALIA Br.-Bl. et Tüxen ex Klika et Hadač 1944
Bidention tripartitae Nordhagen ex Klika et Hadač 1944
Bidentetum tripartitae Miljan 1933
Chenopodion rubri (Tüxen in Poli et J. Tüxen 1960) Hilbig et Jage 1972
Polygono lapathifolii-Xanthietum italici Pirola et Rossetti 1974
PHRAGMITO-MAGNOCARICETEA Klika in Klika et Novák 1941
Phragmition communis Koch 1926
Glycerietum maximae Nowiński 1930 corr. Šumberová, Chytrý et Danihelka in Chytrý 2011
Iridetum pseudacori Eggler 1933 ex Brzeg et M. Wojterska 2001
Phalaridetum arundinaceae Libbert 1931
alopecuretosum bulbosi subass. nova
alopecuretosum bulbosi subass. nova Carex acuta variant
Phragmitetum australis Savič 1926
Cyperetum longi (Micevski 1957) Micevski 1963
Schoenoplectetum lacustris Chouard 1924
Typhetum latifoliae Nowiński 1930
Magnocaricion gracilis Géhu 1961
Caricetum gracilis Savič 1926
Caricetum ripariae Máthé et Kovács 1959
Caricetum vesicariae Chouard 1924
OENANTHETALIA AQUATICAE Hejný ex Bálatová-Tuláčková, Mucina, Ellmauer et Wallnöfer in Grabherr et Mucina 1993
Eleocharito palustris-Sagittarion sagittifoliae Passarge 1964
Eleocharitetum palustris Savič 1926
Oenantho aquaticae-Rorippetum amphibiae Lohmeyer 1950
Glycerio-Sparganion Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Boer 1942
Beruletum erectae Roll 1938
Glycerietum notatae Kulczyński 1928
Rorippo ancipitis-Catabrosetum aquaticae (Oberdorfer 1957) Müller et Görs 1961
Helosciadietum nodiflori Maire 1924
Nasturtietum officinalis Gilli 1971
Sparganietum erecti Roll 1938
Veronica anagallis-aquatica subsp. anagallis-aquatica community
Ranunculion velutini Pedrotti 1978
Deschampsio-Caricetum distantis
Hordeo-Ranunculetum velutini
Potentillion anserinae Tüxen 1947
Carex hirta community
Carex otrubae community
Galega officinalis community
Gratiola officinalis community
Epilobium hirsutum community
Potentilla reptans community
Mentho longifoliae-Juncion inflexi T. Müller et Görs ex de Foucault 2009
Carici otrubae-Juncetum inflexi Minissale et Spampinato 1985
EPILOBIETEA ANGUSTIFOLII Tüxen et Preising ex von Rochow 1951
Balloto-Conion maculati S. Brullo et Marcenò 1985
Urtico dioicae-Sambucetum ebuli (Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber et Wa1as 1936) Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl., Roussine et Nègre 1952
The authors have no funding to report.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
The authors wish to thank the “Servizio Parco di Colfiorito – Comune di Foligno” for the logistical support, Sheila Beatty for editing the English usage of the manuscript, and Dr Marco Tavoloni for the preparation of Fig.
Palude di Colfiorito: 43°01.35'N; 12°52.50'E
Piano di Annifo: 43°02.50'N; 12°52.20'E
Piano di Arvello: 43°02.15'N; 12°51.20'E
Piano di Colfiorito: 43°02.30'N; 12°54.60'E
Piano di Colle Croce: 43°03.70'N; 12°51.95'E
Piano di Popola e Cesi: 43°00.00'N; 12°53.85'E
Piano di Ricciano: 43°00.45'N; 12°50.90'E
Suppl. material 1: Table S1 – Rels 1–10: 12/08/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S2 – Rels 1–4: 20/05/2006; rels 5–6: 27/05/2006; rels 7–8: 18/05/2009.
Suppl. material 1: Table S3 – Rels 1, 3, 6–9: 27/05/2006; rels 2: 18/05/2009; rels 4–5: 17/05/2008.
Suppl. material 1: Table S4 – Rels 1–3: 18/05/2009; rel. 4: 24/05/2008; rels 5–6: 26/08/2006; rels 7–8: 20/05/2006; rels 9: 30/05/2009; rel. 10: 03/09/2005; rels 11: 20/05/2006; rel. 12: 30/05/2009; rels 13–16: 20/05/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S5 – Rel. 1: 20/05/2006; rels 2: 27/05/2006; rels 3–4: 02/06/2005.
Suppl. material 1: Table S6 – Rels 1–2, 3, 9, 16, 19–20: 27/05/2006; rels 4, 5: 20/05/2006; rels 6–7, 27: 11/07/2005; rels 8, 18, 28: 03/09/2005; rels 10–15, 17, 29–30: 18/05/2009; rels 21: 27/05/2006; rels 22–23 02/06/2005; rels 24: 12/08/2006; rels 25–26: 21/06/2005.
Suppl. material 1: Table S7 – Rels 1–3: 27/05/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S8 – Rel. 1: 24/05/2008; rels 2, 8: 20/05/2006; rels 3–6, 9–11: 27/05/2006; rel. 7: 02/06/2005.
Suppl. material 1: Table S9 – Rels 1–2: 27/05/2006; rel. 3: 12/08/2006; rel. 4: 06/05/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S10 – Rels 1, 12–14: 27/05/2006; rels 2–3: 20/05/2006; Rel. 4–5: 26/08/2006; rels 6–7, 10–11, 15, 17–21: 03/09/2005; rels 8: 27/05/2006; rels 9, 11, 16: 18/05/2009.
Suppl. material 1: Table S11 – Rels 1–3, 5: 26/08/2006; rel. 4: 12/08/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S12 – Rels 1, 5: 26/08/2006; rels 2–3: 27/05/2006; rels 4, 7: 12/08/2006; rel. 6: 11/07/2005.
Suppl. material 1: Table S13 – Rel. 1: 24/05/2008;Rel. 2–3, 5: 10/06/2006; Rel. 4: 13/05/2006; Rel. 6–7, 7: 27/05/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S14 – Rels 1, 29–30, 34–37: 27/05/2006; rels 2–5: 24/06/2006; rels 6, 14–15: 24/05/2008; rels 7–8: 27/05/2006; rels 9–10: 20/05/2006; rels 11, 16–17, 31, 33: 10/06/2006; rels 12–13, 20, 26: 18/05/2009; rels 21, 32: 02/06/2005; rels 22–23: 13/05/2006; rels 24–25: 20/05/2006; rels 27–28: 17/05/2008; rels 18–19: 31/05/2009.
Suppl. material 1: Table S15 – Rels 1–4: 11/07/2005.
Suppl. material 1: Table S16 – Rels 1, 6–7: 10/06/2006; rels 2: 10/06/2006; rels 3, 5, 11: 27/05/2006; rels 4, 12: 20/05/2006; rels 8–10: 02/06/2005; rels 13: 02/07/2005; rels14–15: 13/05/2006.
Suppl. materiale 1: Table S17 – Rel. 1: 27/05/2006; rel. 2: 10/06/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S18 – Rels 1–2: 20/05/2006; rels 3, 7–9, 19, 26–28: 27/05/2006; rels 4–5: 10/06/2006; rel. 6: 03/09/2005; rels 10, 18: 27/05/2006; rels 11–15: 11/07/2005; rels 16, 20–24, 31: 10/06/2006; rel. 25: 10/06/2006; rels 17, 29: 21/05/2005; rel. 30: 06/05/2006.
Suppl. material 1: Table S19 – Rels 1–5, 8–14: 27/05/2006; rel. 6: 13/05/2006; rel. 7: 13/05/2007; rel. 15: 24/05/2008.