In this collection

Papers published: 8

Papers in press: 1

Printed version: Paperback

Unique views: 17024

Total views: 29821

open access


by Taxon
  • Algae
  • Angiospermae
  • Bryata
  • Gymnospermae
  • Incertae sedis
  • Lycopodiophyta
  • Monilophytes
by Subject
  • Alien Plant Invasions
  • Biostatistic analysis and Data Banks
  • Habitats Directive
  • Phanerogamic and Cryptogamic Vegetation survey and classification
  • Plant Community Conservation and Management
  • Plant Community Traits
  • Plant Ecology and Synecology
  • Syntaxonomy and Nomenclature
  • Vegetation mapping
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Towards 2030: efforts in habitat recording and the reporting cycle of the Habitats Directive - A scientific collection for habitat conservation
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Edited by Daniela Gigante, Giovanni Rivieccio, Federica Bonini

In the era of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to achieve universal benefits with the motto "NO ONE LEFT BEHIND," it is crucial for plant scientists to bridge the existing knowledge gaps in habitats and associated species distribution. In this context, the European Directive 92/43/EEC "Habitats" stands as one of the most comprehensive tools for the management and conservation of our natural legacy.

Building on the substantial progress made over the past half-decade in the implementation of the Habitats Directive by the journal Plant Sociology, this Topical Collection intends to establish a repository for even more significant and synergistic efforts in the future. It emphasizes enhanced collaboration from plant scientists across EU Member States, ensuring a wider and more collective approach to conservation efforts.

With this Topical Collection, our goal is to dedicate the remaining half-decade until 2030—a pivotal new milestone for the future of our planet—towards establishing a scientific platform dedicated to a series of articles concerning the Habitats Directive, with a particular focus on the distribution and monitoring of Annex I habitats.

The Topical Collection will include "New Habitat Records," following the style and content of the already published contributions. For a model and the data sources, see Annex I in the paper

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